Flight (01)

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TM=> The Moonlight (their band)
ΟΑ=> Over Atlantic
Violet's pov
Today is the 14th of November which means that tomorrow me and my girls Mal, Luna, Dinah and Aria are flying to England for Josh Taylor's "Hot For Me Tour"! We have been dreaming about touring since forever so this is a dream coming true for us and especially for me. Since I was a kid me and my brother Dayl pretended to be singers and with every chance we were doing mini concerts for our parents including a lot of dancing as dancing is his favourite thing to do. He also made his dream come true by being in a band called "HomeTown" and they are all amazing. They are 6 boys and all of them are extremely sweet & lovely and even thought everyone is way older than me, besides Cian and Brendan who are only 3 years, they are as mine and my girl's brothers and we are like a big family.

We are all very excited about tour! It's our first ever and Josh is one of our most favorite singer and so is Robyn Regan who is also going to be there! We've been fangirling like crazy ever since we learned about it and today we said to celebrate it with a little brake at Starbucks.

Luna-Can you believe it??? Tomorrow is the first day of our dream coming true!
Aria-And not with anyone but the one, the only, the king its self...
Dinah-I still can't believe it! And I can't wait to get to know the other acts too!
Violet-Yes I know! I have searched about Bronnie and let me tell you she is a QUEEEEN!
Mal-Uhmmm... Excuse ME! But the only queen is Robyn!
Dinah-You say that only because she is in the same height as yours😂
Mal-Short people has to support each other💪
Violet-SHORT PEOPLE POWER!!! *raises her fist and accidentally drops Mal's muffin*
Mal-Heeeeeeey! I wanted to eat that!
Violet-I'm so sorry! Here. You can have mine.
Mal-No that's fine.
Violet-That's my second.
Mal-Bring it here!
(she grabbed the muffin as if we'd stop her or take that away and it fell on the ground. She frowned, turned to look at us with puppy eyes and we all started laughing like crazy while she was sat on the chair with her hands crossed and a mad expression
The day went by really fast. We had all our luggages ready and we said to stay at Dinah's for the night as her dad has a big car that can fit all of us and our carry ons and their house is closer to the airport than the rest's of us so he would drive us in the morning. We were way too excited so we managed to sleep only 2 hours before the flight.
We woke up from Dinah's dad's crazy yells. We fell from the couches we were at and started running around the house trying to get ready as fast as we could. We were lucky because we slept in our clothes as we know us very well. We run to the car and made the last checks.
Dinahs Dad-Suitcases?
Violet-The make up set's here
Aria-Guitars here
Luna-Microphones and bases here
Mal-Five backpacks here
Dinahs Dad-Passports?
Violet-MY PHONE!
Luna-How did we not hear the alarms? We had like 6!
Dinah-And seventysix calls from Mary hers and ours manager!! Anyone else?
Mal-I have 52. Violet?
Violet-I'm texting her... They are already in the plane and they won't wait for a long more!
Dinahs Dad-Say we'll be there in 10
Violet-She will try to delay the take off.
Lua-That's good.
Dinah-Dad skip way!
Dinahs Dad-I'm trying!

In the next 7 minutes we were at the airport. We waved goodbye to Dinahs dad and we run like crazy all the way to the gate. We had to wait for the security to check us& our stuffs and after that we started running like crazy again. We heard our names beeing called from the speakers and we knew this wasn't good as besides our names they also said that the airplane will be taking off in 2 minutes and that's when we run faster than ever. In some point Dinah couldn't take anymore and she was about to stop so we started yelling her <<RUN DINAH RUN!>> << DON'T STOP WE CAN MAKE IT!>> <<MOVE YOUR LAZY BUTT AND STOP IN THE PLANE NOT NOW!>> Her only respond was a <<Screw you dear☺>> to the "move yout but" comment with a creepy smile and then she run again this time to chase Mal while both of them left their suitcases on me Luna and Aria making our speed lower but soon they came back for help. <<I will get you later! You're lucky I'm a nice person!>> when Dinah said that she is a nice person we all wanted to laugh but we kept it besides Mal who got in more trouble. A couple seconds later we were at our gate and we gave our passport to the woman who was there and she was looking at us as if she was about to kill us. We made our way outside and waited for the bus to take us on the plane while I texted Mary letting her know we were here. <<GUYS! MARY SAID SHE CAN'T KEEP THEM NO LONGER AND THEY'RE ABOUT TO TAKE OFF THE STAIRS!>> Everyone looked at me with worry but the bus driver said that we were there and showed us the plane. We run outside yelling them not to take off the stairs but they already had. For our good luck they placed them again giving us death stares and one of the air hostesses told us to be in time next time. Everyone in the plane was giving us looks except one person who looked extremely relieved and we all knew that this was Mary. The air hostess was so mad that she didn't even bother to take us in our seats. She just took from us what we couldn't take with us and we made our ways there. Aria Luna and Dinah sat together while Me and Mal sat with Mary and all of us took our time to gain our breaths again.

Mary-Hi. I'm Mary as you've probably guessed by now
Violet-Hey. I'm violet this is Mal and they are Aria Luna and Dinah
Mal-Thank you so much for delaying the flight!
Mary-That's fine. But everyone is this plane hates us all for sure.
Aria-Yeeeeeeah. We saw some looks when we got in😅

"Ladies and gentlemen. We are now able to take of so please make sure you secure your seatbelts, the tables in front of you are closed and make sure not to wear headphones during taking off and landing. Please pay attention to the following video that is going to appear on the screens in front of you. We're really sorry for the delay and we hope you will have an amazing flight."

Dinah-There we go! Off to our first ever tour!
Violet-Yeaaaaah! I'm so excited!!!!!!!!
Luna-That's amazing!
Aria-This is going to be sick! Touring with Josh and the others is amazing!
Aria-I'm soooooo excited!
Violet-I know!!! So we have the rest of the flight to learn each other!
Aria-Random faaaaaacts! I start!
Luna-Me next!
Dinah-Me after Luna!
Mal-Then Mary then me then violet
Violet-Me last thank you!
Mal-Yes last! Got a problem?
Violet-Yes I do! (We then bursted into laughs and soon started the game. The flight seemed to be fast and was very peaceful. We got to know Mary very much and as it seems we will be pretty good friends.
Mary's manager was waiting outside and they took Luna Dinah and some of our luggages with them while me Mal and Aria with the rest luggages took a taxi because there wasn't enough space for all of us AND the lugages. Thankfully our hotel was only 10 minutes away so we weren't more late than we already were and in the entrance there was a very angry manager of ours ready to explode)
Daniel-Well well well... Look who made us the honor to come!
Violet-Heeeellooooo Daniel! How are you?😆 *smiled innocently*
Daniel-I'm fine. And you very, very, lucky!
Mal-Good to hear that! Why lucky?
Daniel-Because Harry Oakland is ALSO late so you aren't the last ones to arrive
Dinah-But our flight had a delay!
Daniel-Yeah. A half an hour one because someone was late!
TM-We're sorry...
Daniel-Apology accepted but for the last time!
Luna-It won't happen again!
Daniel-It Better not! Now, Joshes manager is waiting for ALL of you.
Aria-The luggages?
Daniel-Someone will take them to your rooms Mary yours too. Now, big door at the end of the hall. Be my guests.
(We made our way to the room he told us and Joshes manager was waiting for us and she looked so angry!)

*Hello! Thank you for reading it I know that was boring but I had to start somehow. I really hope you will keep reading and please make sure to vote if you liked it😊*

Can I Be Him? ♢ Trevor Cash - Over Atlantic ♢✅Where stories live. Discover now