Karaoke (05)

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(The day went by very fast. We were at Nandos for at least 2 hours as we talked more than we ate and afterwards we went for a walk until it was time to leave. We loaded the instruments and the suitcases to the van and then we squeezed our selfs in there too. And yes we are going in Lancashire with the boys!😄)
Rik-Daniel is front with me and then you guys squeeze. In the worst situation someone will sit on the bottom but that's fine. It's only a one hour drive
Charlie-5 will be front and 5 back we will make it. The girls are quite thin so there won't be a problem
Sean-What do you mean, that we are fat?😑
Charlie-No. Just look at you and them! They need one seat for two!
Mal-Is that good or bad?
Luna-I would go with good
Charliw-It is good. I think.
Dinah-You "think"?
Charlie-No I'm sure. So who will sit with who?
Liam-I'm sitting next to Aria
Violet-I want window!
Gabe-I get Violet
Sean-Me with Mal
Dinah-I need window for sure! I get really dizzy
Liam-The windows don't I own in the back
Dinah-Oh yeah... I didn't think of that
Violet-Well that's sad...
Trevor-Back right is mine
Liam-We know that Trevor! You and Gabe are always back no one takes your places
Gabe-Exactly! Violet do you mind staying back?
Violet-Nope. And to be honest I prefer it. Back and corner. That's amazing!
Mal-So me and Liam are where?
Aria-I go front
Sean-Mal do we go back?
Mal-yeah whatever I don't mind
Violet-Well then I'll be next to Mal.
Charlie-So front it's me Dinah Liam Aria and Luna?
Gabe-And behind is Me Mal Sean Trevor and Violet.
Sean-I'm sitting next to Trevor!
Mal-Me and Violet already said that we'll be together so you sit next to Trevor want it or not
Gabe-But how will I be next to Violet then?
Violet-Oh... True. You can have the corner if you want
Gabe-But you want it
Violet-I don't really mind. I just want to be between you and Malese both
Gabe-Ok then
Liam-I get the one corner
Aria-I want between Luna and Dinah
Dinah-So I'm next to Charlie
Charlie-Yes! Can we sit now?
Liam-Yep! Trevor's going first, then Sean then Mal then Violet then Gabe. Charlie you go first then Dinah Aria Luna and Me
Rik-Squeeze a little so I can close the door and then let loose.
Sean-Trevor! Catch me!
Trevor-NO DON'T JUM-
Sean-Too late man😊
Trevor-You crushed every single bone I had in my body!
Sean-I'm not that heavy!
Trevor-Yeah but you're stupid. Can you please get off me now?
Sean-Jeez Trev! Get over it and don't act like a bitch. You're on tour, your dreams are coming true... Think of just that and forget the rest
Trevor-I'm not in the mood for peep talk
Sean-That's exactly what peep talk is about
Trevor-Well I don't want it. Now get off!
(He seemed so angry and so... Awful... I suddenly saw him with very different eyes. The once I never thought I would. He seemed so nice and sweet in the start but now...? I guess it's true what they say "don't judge a book by its cover". I've never felt more disappointed for something. "Violet!" Gabe's sweet voice brought me back from my thoughts. "Are you alright?" "Yeah. Just thinking" "of what?" "Uhhm... nothing. Nothing just nothing" "are you ok?" "Yeah don't worry" I gave him a fake smile to which he responded with another one "you know I know its fake" "damn you Gomèr!" "Wanna tell me what's going on?" "Not really. I'm fine don't worry" "you don't seem fine thought. Something's bagging you and I will find out what this is" "good luck then" I wore my earphones and opened music loud enough so that I could hear no one but it was hard with being in the middle. "That's it. Go ahead and tell me" "I'd really rather not" "but I can't see you like that" "Gabe I'm fine I swear!" "I don't believe you and you know I'm right" "Gabe... I'm fine. I promise. Don't worry about me" "if you'll ever need anyone to talk to I'm always here" "thank you. I appreciate it" "true smile finally! You do can smile in the end!" "Not funny!" "You are laughing though!" "You know I'm bad at jokes!" "TEAM COOOOLD!" "Ouch Gabe! Take care of where you throw your hands!" "Oooops! Sorry Mal😆")
Charlie-So. What are we going to do in this one hour?
Daniel-You kids are crazy!
Luna-And you Daniel will sing with us! =D
Luna-And so are you Rik!
Rik-That's for sure!
Daniel-I'm not singing sorry guys
Gabe-Everyone is even I so you're not going to be an exception!
Daniel-Sorry but it's still a no
Aria-Come on! Don't be a jerk!
Dinah-Yeah sing with us!
Daniel-No thanks.
Violet-We will exchange you for Mr Rik!
Mal-Yes! He is very cool in addition to you!
Rik-Oooh that's was a good one! Thank you girls! I accept the propose!😂
Daniel-Ok then Rik is all yours!
Rik-Come on man! Don't be a jerk and join!
Charlie-Come on all! DANIEL! DANIEL!
Daniel-Ok ok fine! You win!
Rik-Finally! And by the way girls, call me just "Rik"
Luna-Thank you! We will try😅
Charlie-So. What song goes first?
Mal-What's on the radio?
Charlie-Don't you wanna make a playlist?
Dinah-Yeeeah that's better!
Mal-I got the song!
(I knew exactly what she was talking about! I looked at her, she looked at me, we raised an eyebrow, then smirked at each other, and without a second thought we screamed in synchronise)
Mal/Violet-That was my second option... (in synchronise again)
Liam-"Twin Telepathy" didn't work this time did it?
Mal/Violet-SHUT UP ROSS!
Gabe-I guess it's back
(We all bursted into laughs and then Charlie put on the song and we started singing at the top of our lungs.
🎵I know I can treat you better
Than he can
And any girl like you deserves a
Tell me why are we wasting time on all your waisted crying while you shoud be with me instead!
I know I can treat you better🎶
(Trevor was silent almost the whole time staring at his phone but he sang the last phrase with so much passion! Like he was really feeling the song. He hit the high note so good! We all looked at him with confused faces and he wore his earphones again rolling down the seat trying to 'disappear' and putting on his hoodie that he previous had changed at. Sean got really excited and hugged him tight squeezing him once again but he pushed him away going back to his previous mysterious snob him. Charlie then put on Don't Let Me Down and everyone started singing along but I couldn't stop staring at Trevor. "There has to be something going on. He seemed so sweet the morning. Did something happen or I just didn't known him that well? But he was smiling too and now he seems ready to tear. What's going on with him?")

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