Lay on the towel, holding hands, listening to music & looking at the stars (43)

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Violet's pov
Sean-Skinny dipping! Who's in?... No one? Really? Come on guys!
Charlie-I heard naked. I'm in!
Dinah-I heard naked Charlie. I'm in!
Dinah-Shut up and swim with me!
Charlie-I love it when you do this!
Dinah-I love you!
Charlie-I'm glad! Jump!
Liam-Get a room!
Charlie-We will! In the water!
Luna-Noooo we wanna jump in naked too!
Mal-You're so gross!
Gabe-just go behind a rock on the sand! But OUT OF OUR SIGHT!
Dinah-Fine whatever!
Sean-They're so disgusting!
Mal-Tell me about it!
Violet-how come you agree so much lately?
Mal-we don't
Liam-you just did
Sean-No we didn't
Sean-Yep. Just a coincidence I'm going to swim meet me inside
Mal-Yep. Me too bye
Violet-I told you they'd end up together
Aria-it was so obvious!
Gabe-will you come?
Violet-me and naked don't really go together
Trevor-Yeah me neither
Aria-Naked is my middle name
Violet-I though your middle name was Heidi
Aria-No it's naked! Violet shut up!
Liam-Wait. Like the girl with the red drees and the lamb?
Aria-it was a goat!
Liam-So it is her!
Aria-No. Liam!
Liam-What? That's hilarious! Aria Heidi Chèvre. That's so good!
Violet-Chèvre is the goat in French
Aria-LIAM! COME HERE! Your time will come too Violet! LIAAAAAAAAAAAM!
Gabe-they are so going to end up together too!
Violet-Oh heck yeah!
Luna-Will you come?
Violet-Nah. I'll stay here watch the stars and listen to some music
Trevor-I'll probably do the same
Gabe-Ok. You know where to find us
Violet-Yeah no thanks. Have fun
Trevor-Swim for us too!
Luna-Okay! We will
Trevor-And now the two of us! Or not. Do you even hear me? Of course you don't. You're blasting All Time Low already. Where are my headphones? Shoot. Violet? Violet! VIOLET!
Violet-Huh? Sorry. What's up?
Trevor-I forgot my headphones
Violet-Oh my god how did you do it?
Trevor-I hope I'll never have to find out
Trevor-thank you!
Violet-Oh don't thank me! I know how important music is. Wanna chose music?
Trevor-No it's up to you
Violet-I have it on suffle
Trevor-good choice.

He lay next to me and we were sat there looking at the stars and talking about music. "Like the good old days" "yeah. Then you were sad and fresh out of a break up" "have you spoken with Blake? What happened with the fans?" "They kept asking and he took the blame on him. His fans are still hating on me thought but I don't care anymore I got used to it. I'm fine and ready to move on" "that's great! I'm proud of you!" "Thanks! I don't think I would have made it without you. Any of you. I'm so glad to have you all in my life" "I'm glad I have you all too. You have no idea how much you've helped me" "trust me I may do" "yeah true". And then there was a silence. Not an awkward one but a nice one. The only sound was the one of your breaths, the wind and the water of the sea reaching the land and going back. Everything was so perfect. "Are you fine Vi?" "Yeah why?" "You're shaking a little" "I'm a little cold but I'm fine" "you can have my buttoned shirt" "I can't do it to you. You will be cold" "I'll be fine. Take it" "are you sure?" "Yeah" "thank you" "it looks good on you. And know what? It's dirty laundry" "oooh good one!" "Thank you! Are you still cold?" "A little" "I think you might be getting sick" "or you just don't feel cold" "the others are swimming naked. I don't think that I'm the problem" "maybe you're right" "come here". He pulled me closer placing a hand around the back of my neck slightly covering my right arm while fully warning the left one as it was right next to his body. We were looking at the stars again saying nothing. Just enjoying the moment.

*I suggest listening to the song while reading this part. I think it makes it better*

"I love this song" "I know Vi. Your favorite" "yeah. It's so sweet! And combines love with music. I love it so much" "it's an amazing song even not punk" "yeah. So sweet"
"..And so me".
Things got Intence between us right away. I knew what he meant cause this song sums up my everyday but I wasn't sure it was for the same reason as mine.
'And so me'. I wish he was saying it about me. Was it about me? It is about me! What am I doing?
I was lost in his amazing eyes and the way they shined when the moonlight was hitting them right in the iris. But it was big. They say it can open as much as possible when you're looking at the one you love.
Are mine that big too? Can he see it?
His lips were amazing and I couldn't resist. Without a second thought I leaned in and he did the same. This time I didn't pull back and neither did him. The chorus had just came in and we were lost in the moment.

I swear that every word you sing you wrote them for me.
Like it was a private show, I know you never saw me.
When the lights go on,
And I'm on my own will you be there,
To sing it again?
Could I be the one you talk about, in all your stories?
Can I be him?

I had never felt as connected with the song as then. I knew i wanted to be with him. I wanted this from the moment I saw him but that moment I was more sure than ever. I felt more in love than ever. The butterflies in my stomach were going crazier and crazier every time his lips were leaving mine even if it was for seconds. Just a few quick seconds to take a breath and then on mine again. For the entire chorus and a little of the second verse.
We pulled back and he didn't speak to me. He just smiled bright, put the earphone deeper, looked up at the stars and caught my hand as I did the same. "I hope that I didn't misunderstand the kiss but.. do you want to go out with me?" "I would love to". I said also smiling bright and we spent the rest of out time alone like this; Lay on the towel, holding hands, listening to music and looking at the stars.

Can I Be Him? ♢ Trevor Cash - Over Atlantic ♢✅Where stories live. Discover now