Half A Millennium (37)

69 3 0

Almost Year Later

October 2017

Violet's pov
Gabe-Y'all grew up so much! You changed!
Violet-You? You are so different! What! Oh my! How long were we apart half a year or half a century?
Sean-Well it seemed like half a millennium to me!
Dinah-For us too! I'm so glad you're back!
Mal-Where is Trevor thought?
Charlie-Coming. He said he has to go to the supermarket first because he forgot something important but I have no idea what!
Violet-Please tell me he hasn't left yet!
Sean-Even if he did I don't think he is far as he has no idea where it is. Why?
Violet-I needed to go to the supermarket too! I'm going to hopefully find him! Bye you guys!
Liam-Was she always that energetic?
Dinah-Not that much. This is new
Gabe-I'm so scared for what she'll do now!
Violet-And I'm still here listening!
Gabe-Love you!
Violet-Oh shut up Gomér!

I said laughing and closed the door beside me while running down the stairs. I took out my cellphone to call Trevor but thankfully I didn't need to as I could see him from the entrance of the house. "Trevor! Wait!" I said running to him and he turned opening his arms to hug me while I jumped and he spun me around. "I missed you and the girls so much! How are you?" "I'm.. great! And you?" "I assume you're kind of great too. What's up?" "I'll tell you everything on the way to the supermarket. We have a 15 minute walk ahead" "What? You're joking right?" "Yeah! It's 10" "I think that we should go up to... you know... say hello to the rest of the girls?" "Nice try Cash! So tell me. What has been going on in your life?" "Not much. Me and the guys as you probably know made a record deal and we are working on our first album, we have some exciting tours ahead I can't tell you yet about" "why?" "Because I can't! You have to wait" "that's unfair!" "What should we do? Life is unfair" "tell me about it... What about your personal life though?" "Uhm... nothing much. I just miss my friends from Missouri, you, I mean the moonlight all of you, and I had a girlfriend but it didn't last long" "I'm sorry... why?" "Because I'm stupid" "you could never be stupid! What happened?" "She was in Missouri. I said yes to a long distance relationship and now I pay still" "what happened exactly? If you don't mind of course" "she... just... I felt like she was cheating on me. She did cheat on me. She's history now. I'm so done with long distance relationships for real now. What about you? I'm sure you girls have done some pretty good things too" "oh yeah! We have this house in London but we're getting to ready to move in L.A. We got a record deal too but the record label wants us there" "that's sick! Maybe we'll be neighbors!" "I wish! I miss having you goofs living next to me!" "Me too! I miss blasting blink 182 and All Time Low with you! I have no one to do it with!" "Me neither! I miss it so much!" ".....So... what about your life? I've heard there was someone" "yeah. There is. Blake became my boyfriend eventually but we haven't made it exactly official" "how come? Aren't you together for a long time?" "Yeah almost half a year now. Somewhere about since when we met with you last time. We share some photos together and the fans probably know but we never said something that made us look like a couple more than some kinda cute photos" "you don't seem to be very happy though" "it's just... the girls keeps telling me that he isn't right for me and it's confusing me so much!" "Why are they saying it?" "Because they think that he hurts me. And that I should give up on him" "hurt you how?" "He ignores me sometimes... But I don't think he's doing it on purpose. Also he cancels plans at the last time because he has a lot to do. Joe is amazing but really demanding" "oh. But the question is; do you love him?" "Of course! He is amazing! And sweet!" "And the person who just texted you?" "What?" "Your phone rang" "...oh.. you're right. I didn't hear it thanks. Yeah that's him".

*skip to back home*

Sean-Hey. You took your time
Trevor-It was 10 minutes away! We need 20 minutes only to come and go! I'm not doing this again!
Charlie-That's why cars exists
Violet-But it's fun when you have company or else you can listen to music
Dinah-And that's why we send Violet!
Violet-Yeah... these witches took advantage of this!
Mal-I'm not. I'm going sometimes too. These 3 witches takes advantage of my goodness and greatness too! Violet is not the only victim! THEY HAVE TO BE BURNED!
Sean-I want to laugh but I'm freaking out..
Charlie-Dinah what have you done to them?
Dinah-Me? ME? Why all me? You found me small and you're blaming everything on me! I'm going for ice cream to choke my pain! *stands up*
Violet-It ended yesterday and I didn't buy another
Dinah-I'm not going for ice cream to choke my pain! *sits down and frowns*
Violet-I'm going for ice cream right now! I'll make sure to send you a photo
Dinah-Why photo? Sent the ice cream!
Violet-Sorry dear can't happen!
Dinah-Shut up dear!
Violet-I'm sorry boys. I'll try not to be late
Gabe-Why go? Stay with us!
Violet-I wish! Blake wants to see me for something
Dinah-Will he come this time?
Violet-BYE GUYS!

I walked out of the door and headed where Blake told me to go. He was already there waiting for me and when he saw me he smiled and came to me hugging me tight

Gabe's pov
Charlie-I can't believe that she ditched us!
Dinah-I can't believe he has the nerve to call her
Sean-Why are you saying this?
Luna-He ditches her a lot! He did it for the past week. ALL the week
Gabe-Ditch how?
Mal-He doesn't go on time, at all... in any way. Last time she went all the way to his house with train to find out that he left with his entire family and they "arranged it the last moment" and he "forgot" to tell her. She had to wait 5 hours for the next train because there was a delay and she lost the first one for a few seconds and stuff like that
Trevor-She said that you say that he hurts her. You mean like that?
Mal-Whenever he ditches her it hurts her because she feels betrayed you know Violet. Also he isn't very supportive. She can be depressed and he won't do much. All he does is to hug her and tell her that there's no reason to be sad
Luna-He never had a hard life. His family is perfect, his friends are perfect, his ex is perfect
Charlie-Why is she ex then?
Luna-Long distance
Trevor-Yeah this just can't happen
Dinah-That's why we have hopes. Moving to L.A. means that hopefully their relationship will die
Sean-That was mean
Mal-Not when she's more sad than happy
Gabe-Okay So. Let's talk about you! Happy thoughts! How is it going with you and Jack?
Luna-I'm moving to L.A. how do you think?
Sean-Forget about boyfriends and girlfriends! What's going on with music?

*so that was the start of something new! New house, new life, new boyfriends/girlfriends...
But why was Blake in such a rush to talk to Violet?...
Please remember that I love Blake very very very very much and I have a giant weakness on him so please don't hate on me for how I made him! I think that he'd be a great boyfriend and this is just fanfiction! Blake is a small little angel! Well not that small cause he is tall af but anyway...
I hope you liked this short boring start but from now on starts the action!
I hope that you'll keep reading and I'm really sorry for making you wait so long.
Make sure to vote for the chapter if you liked it, it means a lot and add the story to your libraries/lists to be notified when I upload as I do on random days!
I hope you like the story so far and that you'll stay till the end. Also lets try to get this chapter to 2.5k views by then🙈💫*

Can I Be Him? ♢ Trevor Cash - Over Atlantic ♢✅Where stories live. Discover now