The Hiding Games: Part 2 (28)

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Mallese's pov
As I was the one who chose Moon alongside Violet we were in the same team looking for her. Also in the team is Trevor, because he solved the riddle and realised which one was for Moon, and Liam with Aria because they seem to be the most awful at this game and me Vi and Trevor are quite strong.

Charlie's pov
I can say with no doubt that our team is the worst! It's me, Gabe, Dinah, Luna and Sean. Dinah and me seems to be the only ones who actually has chances to find Pablo and Moon, Luna a little bit, Sean even less than Luna and Gabe is just awful. He is not good at riddles anyway and them being in English makes things harder for him. At least he explored the place and if we need to find something he knows exactly where it is which is good.

Dinah-Read the riddle again Sean. Let's try to analyse it phrase by phrase.
Sean-Uhm.. Ok so it says...
"It is full of colors but not in the heart"
Luna-How can someone have colours in the heart?
Dinah-Maybe it is to describe the minions. Just like it did with Moon
Charlie-So theoretically and thinking it is indeed referred to Pablo, it means that it has a lot of colours but its evil. What colours though?
Gabe-Minions are yellow, their clothes blue like jeans, the glasses black and grey, the eyes blue brown or green, black hair if they have and black shoes gloves and symbols on the clothes.
Charlie-You freak me out sometimes...
Charlie-Because the one time you don't know anything and suddenly you are become a genius! How do you do that?
Gabe-I don't. It happens
Dinah-You're so weird!
Gabe-Everyone is weird in both our groups
Dinah-Oh wow you're still here! I forgot about you!
Luna-So nice of you!😑
Dinah-But you don't talk, you don't help. It's like you're not here!
Sean-That's true actually!
Luna-It's just because I don't want to waste my incredible talent in such an easy game!
Dinah-You're so stupid! Be useful and read the next part! (We laughed and she moved on reading)

Luna-"Not good but not evil,
Still hiding in the dark"
Charlie-Dark place again! I can't believe them! It could be anywhere! Keep reading...
Luna-"The light from its heart's the one,
Lightening the place,
The positivity and good heart's what makes that.
Sean-Josh is so bad at
poem-style things!
Gabe-Especially riddles... What if he did it that way on purpose? What if the irrelevant words are clues?
Dinah-So we have; The light from its heart's the one Lightening the place The positivity and good heart's what makes that adorable.
Gabe-No. I mean words. Specific words. It's not making sense because the words are blended wrong.
Luna-Positivity, adorable, light from the heart. Mary!
Gabe-She has a shirt right? With a quote like this
Luna-Yeah! It says something that has to do with positivity and has a heart with a light underneath the quote. That's her pyjamas!
Charlie-But her pyjama is back home!

Mal's pov
Violet-I'm telling you it's about Mary!
Mal-Its not! It doesn't make sense!
Mary-It does!
"Shines in the dark.
And only then its out"
That's when she is wearing her pyjamas! In the dark! During the night!
Aria-This is for the name!
Violet-It's also this!
Liam-It can't be it. Even I know it
Violet-You need to be good at this game to catch the message and you know you're not. Sorry Liam. Her pyjama is a clue!
"It's lighting it's own way,
Right inside the rain,
But loves a lot the sunshine,
And that's when it appears.
When it's out"
The quote says something about rain and sun and stuff like this part! I remember it because I love these pyjamas! She has two with different quotes but I liked that one!
Trevor-That's way too much to be it. And hard! Only you could find it
Violet-Yeah and that's why it's for Moon and not Pablo
Liam-I don't think Josh Bronnie Mary or anyone in this place is clever enough to write something like this besides you. There's no way!
Trevor-Can we just go check out if Mary has the clue and finish this game? I'm bored already
Mal-But that's stupid!
Trevor-What do we have to lose?
Liam-Trevor is right. We don't know what it means anyway so let's do it.
Mal-Hey Mary! You don't happen to be the next clue. Are you?
Mary-I am. I knew Violet would solve it!
Violet-I told you!
Mal-Ok fine you were right! Congrats! Happy now?
Trevor-What's the next clue?
Mary-Here. Take the note
Liam-Thank you! Can I read it?
Liam-Thanks! We'll it says;
"Its under where you belong,
And where you sing all night long.
The only place that makes you live,
For the only thing that keeps you breathing"
Oh. I'd bet its saying about the stage
Mal-I was going to say that!
Liam-Sorry. I was faster!
Mal-Keep that stupid smile for yourself! And let's go get them before the others. Run!
We were running as fast as we could and a little more than halfway there we saw the guys. Just, they were already at the end and swinging Pablo and Moon in the air yelling and dancing and signing to us the usual stupid song winers sings; "WE WON ! WE WON ! WE WON ! WE WON!".
Charlie-Hey! I think that this is yours!
Mal-Put that stupid smile away!
Charlie-But I can't! Winning feels so good!
Gabe-Oooh yeah! It's awesome! You have to feel it too sometime!
Mal-Oh get out!
(Violet yelled running towards her and hugging her tight)
Bronnie-Congratulations guys!
Dinah-So... what's our prize?
Josh-A tweet saying how better you are at this game from the others!
Robyn-One for everyone single one of us! And the loser ream will tweet too
*In a very sad/annoyed tone*
Daniel-And now that you won it's time to get ready! Go get dressed and make up everyone!
Rik-The boys are here!
Gabe-Vi relax! Vi?

*Thank you so much for over 2k views! I hope you like the story so far! These chapters were quite boring but now exams are officially over so I'll be able to write more and better! Please make sure to vote if you like the story so far or the chapter it would mean a lot and let's try to get it to 2.1k views by the next chapter💕*

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