(un)FORGET(table) Moments (25)

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Mal's pov
The Dublin show was amazing and so was the meet and greet! The only thing is that we had to rush afterwards as the flight for London was just three hours after and the way to the airport was one hour away. In the plane it was Violet Bronnie and Brendan, Me Robyn and Mary, Aria Harri and Josh Taylor, Dinah Luna and some random guy, Dean Ryan and Dayl, Josh Cian and some random guy. The flight went by really fast and we all had a lot of fun but this couldn't compare with how much fun we had with the OA boys.
When we got out of the airport everyone went different ways from ours TM girls including HomeTown who are going to stay in a hotel.
The road trip to the Killeens house was quiet as we all slept during most of the way.
The boys were waiting for us outside the house and welcomed us with the biggest hugs and smiles ever.
Trevor's pov
The girls came and we welcomed them with the biggest hugs and smiles. We went inside, had a few snacks, we talked for a long time and a couple hours later the girls changed and we went to meet the famous HomeTown. This was one of the worst times in my life. Violet and Brendan were really close and cute all the time and they really looked like a couple. Every time one of them held the other my heart was barking but I knew this was right. I know this is right. She deserves someone to make her happy all the time. Make her heart wanna jump out of her chest and her stomach flatter like crazy whenever he is around. And she is smiling. Like crazy. Every single time she is with him. The looks they give each other and the way they talk to each other doesn't let a doubt that they definitely will end up together if not soon later sometime. Maybe this is for the best. Maybe this is a sign that I should stop thinking about her. And I will.


Violet's pov
Charlie-4 hour ride HERE WE GO!
Dinah-And 15 minutes!
Charlie-Always to complete me😊
Dinah-Of course😆
Liam-England Ireland
Sean-Last show
Sean-Vi I got a quick random 4 centuries old question I keep forgetting to ask you
Sean-What was your Twitter convo with origin about?
Violet-Oh yeah. The boys made origin, Jamie, Christina and Emily to spy on me and Louis to see if he is good enough and sort of ruin our date
Sean-Wow. You can't even have a date without them
Violet-Yeah... But that's fine. The boys are funny so it made the night more interesting.
Liam-Is he good? The Louis dude?
Violet-Yeah he's awesome
Charlie-Are you together?
Violet-Nope. Still dating.
Gabe-So you'll meet again
Charlie-Yeah. We are going out on Tuesday
Gabe-that's... awesome...
Violet-Why are you saying it this way?
Sean-He's afraid you'll forget us if you get a boyfriend. We talked about it during the FaceTime.
Violet-Oh yeah. As I said to Sean I won't forget you no matter what. You guys are my best friends, alongside hometown of course. I have you all like my brothers and a sibling can't be forgotten no matter what. I will always remember you and love you and miss you even if we'll never meet again
Gabe-You promise?
Violet-Of course I do you idiot!
Gabe-But you haven't even call me love since you came...
Violet-Sorry love. Better now?
Luna-Explain me why you call each other love again
Gabe-Why not?
Luba-beause that's how couples are calling each other. So why?
Violet-Actually, I have no idea!
Gabe-Yeah! We like, started it for fun and we got used to it
Rik-Are you guys ready?
Charlie-Yeah I think everything is loaded. Right girls?
Mal-Yes we have everything
Rik-Awesome. Daniel are you ready?
Daniel-Yep. Hop on everybody! We will make one stop at a coffee shop or something later for coffee and toilet and whatever you need. Until then try to sleep or something. It's very early
Dinah-I definitely will
Liam-And so will I
Sean-Of course you will...
Charlie-So how do we sit? I definitely take the front right window and Dinah's next to me
Luna-Of course... I'll go with Gabe!
Trevor-Back right window is always mine. AWAY!
Mal-We know don't worry!😂
Sean-Mal should we go together?
Mal-No way! I'm not going any close to you!
Sean-I will be good!
Mal-you never are good but you are definitely up to something so no thanks.
Aria-I'm going front
Liam-I'm going with you
Violet-Well then, I'm going next to Trevor just so that Mal will be next to Sean
Mal-If I'm going down you are coming down with me! I'm taking the window

And then we all got in the van. Front was, starting from right, Dinah Charlie Liam and Aria. Back was, again from right, Trevor me Mal and Sean...

Gabe-Thank you for remembering about me and Luna!
Violey-Come next to me!
Gabe-Nope. I'll take the window now. Thanks for the interest!
Violet-We're so sorry!
Luna-I'll go front

So as I was saying, It was front Dinah Charlie Liam Aria and Luna, and back Trevor Me Sean Mal and Gabe. As per usual the first thing I did was to put on my earphones on and then focus at the song. Soon I was fast asleep.

Trevor's pov
She fell asleep with her head on the back of her seat but we went through a small hole and the van jumped with the result of her to fall on me. So she basically is sleeping on my shoulder now. I don't care though cause I love having her close to me. But seeing her looking like this breaks my heart knowing she is not mine. And never will. Someone else has her. Someone I haven't hear the best about. I just hope that he will make her happy because she deserves happiness. So much happiness...

Liam's pov
"Who's awake back there?... Anyone?" "They are all sleeping. It's just me you Rik and Daniel" Charlie told me turning my way. There was a small quiet after that and then he spoke again. "Can you sleep?" "No. You?" "No. I can't stop thinking about Trevor" "you worry too?" "Yeah. It's just getting worst. He really likes her and it's tearing him apart" "I know. Just look at them. They seem so cute together" "I know. It's really sad things can't be different" "yeah... what about you and Dinah?" "What about us? " "what are you going to do?" "Stay friends and move on. We don't have strong feelings anyway it's just a flirt" "okay" and then there was another silence. A big one this time that lasted for good untill he was asleep too.
I can't take my eyes off of Trevor and Violet the whole time. She is sleeping on his shoulder and he has his hand around her waist but they aren't the only ones. Charlie is holding Dinah like there isn't tomorrow and they aren't wrong as the girls are flying back in Ireland a couple of hours after the show and today is the last time we're with them for who knows how long.

Charlie's pov
I'm not going to hold her for who knows how long. Maybe the next time we'll meet she'll have a boyfriend or I'll have a girlfriend. I lied to Liam. I do have feelings for her but I'm trying not to admit it so that it will hurt less later when she leaves. But it's hard. Really hard not just about Dinah but for all the girls. I really love being with them and I don't want to lose them.

*So will they lose them? Does Dinah feel about Charlie the way he does about him? What will happen when Violet will wake up on Trevor? How will the last show go and what cheeky things will happen backstage? 😏
Stay tuned to be answered these questions and more next Saturday! Until then let's try to get this book to 1.8k views! Please make sure to vote/get this book to your libraries and reading lists to be notified when I upload a chapter. I hope that you enjoy it so far and that you'll be here again in the next chapter💫*

Can I Be Him? ♢ Trevor Cash - Over Atlantic ♢✅Where stories live. Discover now