Tuning Lessons (14)

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Violet's pov
"Go" "no! He may not want me to be there! Obviously actually..." "you should go and try!" "but what if he'll leave?" "Pin him down and talk and he won't shut up k-!" "ok ok ok no no no no don't continue! Enough! Let's go together"
"-ick him... And No! You have to apologise on your own! I will go to the kitchen" "No! I can't do it!" "You sang on stage lots of times and almost got over your crowed fear now go! I will be here watching" "I haven't get over it I just can sing on stage! And I hate you!" "You love me😊" "screw you!" "Goooo!"she said pushing me and I made my way to living room mouthing her an "hate you" one last time before reaching the couch. He was sat with his phone and his earphones on. I sat next to him and he didn't do anything for a while. "Hey" he looked at me and got back at his phone totally ignoring me. "Look. I just wanted to... Trevor? Trevor!" "WHat?" "I... Nothing... I'll just... go" he answered with a blank expression and a little bit aggressive. As if he wanted to shout and be calm in the same time. I got off the couch but he stopped me by grabbing my hand. "Wait. I'm sorry for that... Please sit again I want to tell you something" he said gently pulling me down. His touch is really soft even though his fingers are rough from playing the bass and the guitar. He let go of my hand and placed his phone on the table. He then placed his hands on his thighs like I did but without playing with his fingers. "I'm sorry about earlier. Both earlier. I shouldn't be that rough. I just got a little upset" "I get it. And I'm sorry too. I overreacted but also got upset. Believing means a lot to me. I've faced a lot of things by just believing and hearing you doubt the power of it is like telling me that everything was a lie and I never got over anything" "I'm sorry about it. But I've been betrayed from believing and everything and I don't believe at believing anymore" "It's just two completely different cases...." "yeah. We shouldn't fight for that" "probably. I'm sorry again" "I'm sorry again too. I just... I can't control it. It takes over me and there's nothing I can do about it" "you should try. Even I made it and sang in front of the crowd you definitely can do this" "I don't know. I guess I just need time" "No. You need help. That's how I got over my fear too. And I will be there for you whenever you want" "thanks. I really appreciate it but its not hat simple" "yeah but we can try. When you feel ready you can talk to me" "thanks. It really means a lot you know" "you really don't have to thank me. I do it because I want to not because I have to. I really am here for you you know. And you can trust me" "Thank you. This is the same for you too. If you ever need to talk to anyone I'm here and don't hesitate to ask me for help if you ever need anything. Even if it's stupid you can just ask me" "Thank you. It really means a lot knowing that". He smiled sweet and I did the same. I wanted to put him in a giant hug but something was keeping me from doing it so I didn't. I knew that he needed it but I didn't know if he wanted me to do it. So I held it back.
We talked about random things when the others finally walked down and we left for the venue.
The rehearsals were amazing and so was the pizza we had after it. After finishing eating we separated and I went to Sean's room to jam a little and learn a new song on guitar. While playing one of the strings broke and as I didn't know how to replace it I went out knocking Faye's room as I heard guitar from inside and whoever was playing possibly could help me. "Come in" "Hey Trev" "Hey. What's up?" "You're songwriting right? I'll just go tell someone-" "no that's fine. I don't have inspiration at all anyway. What's up, something with the guitar?" "I have trouble with the string" "you need a new one?" "No I have one. I just... don't really know how to put it" "Really? That's easy. How come anyone have shown you?" "Dayl used to change them and I wasn't there to watch how he did it and ever since he left I never had the chance to do it" "that's fine. Come here" he patted the empty space next to him and I walked over there. He placed the guitar with the bridge by my side so that I could see what he was doing. "You know how to tune don't you?" "Yes I do" "How can you not know how to change strings then? (Guitar parts at the cover) All you have to do is pass the string from the hole on the correct bridge pin, pull it all the way up to the tuning pegs and then you just tune" "yeah but the hard part is to find the right tune. And the string is giant! Do you cut it or just turn it billions of times?" "Take the string" "ok..." "now pass it through the whole and drag it to the end of the neck. That's good. Now put it in the peg and drag it until it can't go further" "Ok. Now?" "Now we text Sean to bring us something we can cut the string with. Until then we can't continue. We are about to cut the string so it won't be neither too big or too small. The edge has to be at the height of the peg above it but not very much because the less turns the better. "Here you go" "Thanks Sean" " "Nothing". He winked and walked out of the door leaving me and Trevor alone laughing at his action. "Now cut the string" "here?" "A little more" "here?" "Yes. And now give me that and start turning until it will be loose enough not to break but tight enough to have a nice sound" "Ok... So I just turn. That's all?" "Yeah" "And how do I know when it's good?" "You will understand. It will be hard to turn and also normally it takes about 3-5 turns so somewhere there you will understand" "I think it's.. good?" "Yeah that's great. Now you tune. Take the tuner and just tune" "Like I normally do?" "Yes" "So that was it?" "Yep" "That's easy! I can't believe I didn't know about it all those years!" "Well now you do!" "Wow... I feel so stupid right now!" "That's fine. I didn't know either until I was shown" "yeah but not an eternity later" "I had to do it on my own so I was kinda forced to. It's not the same occasion" "True" "So what were you up to?" "Learning a new song on guitar" "which one?" "James Arthur's can I be him" "that's a good song" "I know! I love it very much its one of my favorite" "That's good. So how is it going?" "Awful! I can't learn it no matter what!" "I could... help you if you want..." "I would love it" "great then".
"He seemed really uncomfortable saying it as if he was scared I'd say no and when I said that I'd love it his whole face light up" "that's so cute! I start to think he might like you!" "Better and probably no. Besides he has a girlfriend" "Yeah right... I'm sorry for that" "don't be I don't care" "Don't you like him?" "No I don't think anymore. Spending time with him made me realize that I really love him but I'd rather have him as my friend and not more. I just have a weaknesses on him. This way, if we ever fight well get back together. If we're a couple and fight we might never be able to be friends again and it will probably destroy my relationship with the other OA boys too" "are you sure for that?" "Yeah. I think..." "I hope so because also... Distance!" "Yes I know. That's awful. And besides, I miss Louis. I think I still like him" "This guy! You can never get him out of your mind!" "That's what I mean about Louis" "Awwww lovebirds! You own him a date when you go back home remember?" "don't wink me and I know! Now shut up and go to sleep we have a show tomorrow!" "Right. Night Violet" "Night Lu".

*I hope you liked this one and you enjoyd moments even thought they weren't a lot and intense. Thanks for reading and especially if you comment, vote and/or if you have the story on your libraries or lists. I really appreciate it and hope you'll keen reading. After all of this sadness the next chapter is happy and fun😊. Also thank you for almost 800 views! Hopefully it will have more than 850 by the next chapter 😄*

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