Liverpool Show (10)

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Violet's pov
The rest of the ride went fast and soon we were at the venue. There were already lots of fans there who welcomed us with very big smiles and showed us lots of love. The rest of the acts were already there and they all welcomed us also really sweet. We talked, laughed, made our rehearsals and got backstage to make the final prepares until it was time to go on stage.

It was now our time and I was more nervous than ever. With everyone goofing around and the livestreams we did all this time I forgot about the crowd but now the feeling was strong again. The boys noticed and both Trevor and Gabe squished me in a tight group hug

Gabe-Remember what I told you yesterday?
Trevor-Remember what I told you in the car?
They both said in synchronise and looking each other afterwards. I said yes to both of them and then Gabe took me in a side hug

Gabe-I don't know what you said in the car but if it helps you keep that in your mind too. And today you can actually use the "naked crowd" technique
Violet-Yeah I'd rather not
Gabe-What? I've heard it's good!
Trevor-Just close your eyes and do it like nobody's around. Focus on the beat of the song and think that you are doing what you love the most
Violet-But people will judge and what if the most won't like me?
Gabe-That doesn't matter. You do this because of YOU not THEM. You do it because you love music and singing. People will love you and people will not. Not everyone likes everyone and that's how life is and there is nothing you can do rather than ignore it.
Trevor-That's true. And you said it your self they will judge you. Everyone judges us for everything we do so why not do what we like then?
Gabe-Don't care about the others. Go up there and show them how it's done. Sign at the top of your lungs and play the guitar as loud as you can.
Trevor-You will rock and we will be here to watch every single second of it
Violet-Thank you both so much. It means the world to me knowing I have you to support me
Gabe-Please don't cry!
Violet-Yeah sorry. I got a little emotional
Gabe-Not I wouldn't mind but in a few minutes you have to go on stage and your make up will go all over your face
Violet-Oh right! I didn't think about it thanks for reminding me
Gabe-You're welcome.

The three of us bursted into laughs and seconds later we were informed that we were about to go on stage in half a minute. The boys pulled me again for a hug and I held them tighter than ever. The girls drugged me with them almost at the stairs of the stage and Gabe followed me without leaving my hand. I started having little panic attacks and the more the song was coming to the end the more scared I was. When the last melody ended I tried to run away and Gabe tried to stop me but I escaped from his grisp. My heels betrayed me though and I lost my balance as soon as Trevor grabbed my hand while running. I felt to my knees and buried my head in my hands "calm down. Breath in and out. You can do this" "I can't Trevor. I'm not ready I should never come" "there isn't 'I can't' there's only 'I don't want' and you do want it" "yes but I'm scared" "we've all been in your place it's fine" "no Trevor none of you has been in my place. You don't know how I feel. It's more than just stage fright you can't imagine. I can't do it!" "That's fine calm down please". I was trying my best not to cry but it was so hard. Trevor pulled me for the tightest and warmest hug I've ever been in. I felt so good and safe inside him. He took me back in time to when I was unbroken. I wanted to get up and walk on stage conquering my fear but something was dragging me down. Placed my arms around his waist and my head in the crack of his neck. He gently played with my hair without saying a word. I closed my eyes and now it was just me, him and the sounds of our heartbeats. I pulled back and he whipped the few years I had in my eyes. I slowly got up and he did the same. He caught my hands, looked at me, then towards the stage and again at me. I nodded and then he let go one of my hands and we walked to the girls. We did another group hug and started heading on stage. I was the last going up so I took Trevor one last hug and then he gave me a big smile and I walked on stage still holding his hand until they were apart because of the distance.

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