First Morning (08)

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*I just realized that the previous 2 chapters has less views than this one. So when you are about to read a chapter see the number on the title & please if you see that there are chapters missing comment or dm me.
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Violet's Pov
I woke up to see I was still at the couch but with a blanket on. I took my phone to see the time and it was only 6:04. I headed upstairs to go to the toilet quietly so that I wouldn't wake up anyone. I was about to open the door when it opened revealing a shirtless Sean with a scared expression and his eyes wide open. "What are you doing awake?" "I'm.... I... Iiiii..... Don't know?... You?" "Charlie kicked me out of bed" "oh great😂. Will you go back to bed?" "Nope. Off for breakfast! Will you join?" "Sure. But I have to use the bathroom first" "ok then. Meet me at the kitchen. Coffee cereal or something else?" "Cereal please" "ok then. See you down". I walked inside and secured the door. Right when I was about to go outside and opened the door I saw Gabe standing in front of me ready to open the door just as it happened before with me and Sean. "Oh morning Gabe! Why up that early?" "I dunno. You?" "I don't know either" "oh great. Will you go to sleep later again?" I couldn't help but giggle that moment. He looked at me with his adorable clueless expression. "Meet me and Sean in the kitchen when you finish?" "Yeah sure" "coffee cereal or something else?" "Cereal please" This time I laughed more and he looked more adorable than ever. Sleepy Gabe is one of the cutest things ever I swear! "Is something wrong with me? I'm I funny or something?" I laughed more and i couldn't help but "awwwwww!" and hug him tight. He looked so adorable! He was surprised by my action but he then hugged me back "I'm really confused right now. What's going on?" "You are adorable!" "Ok... But why are you laughing then?" "Oh that. Because our conversation was almost the same with the one me and Sean had before of you" "ok..." "sorry for that. I swear it wasn't you! You are fine! I'm going now. Meet us at the kitchen" "ok. See you down" aaaaaand I laughed again. "Same?" "I just said exactly what Sean said before heading down. I'm going now" "ok then... I'm waiting for that cereal!" "Don't worry they will be waiting for you!" "Great! Thanks". As I left and was about to reach the stairs I noticed Trevor at the corner and for some reason I smiled bright. "Good morning Trevor" "morning" he responded with a cold tone in his voice as if he didn't want to talk to me and he then went to his room. My smile fainted and I was just standing there trying to figure out what was wrong with him. The one moment he is amazing, adorable, laughing, full of joy and the next he is all moody and angry and... Sad? "What's going on with him?" I thought to my self. I felt a hand on my shoulder and snapped out of my thoughts jumping a little. "Are you fine?" "My favorite Swedish boy asked me with his soft and adorable voice. "Nothing. Just thinking." "What?" "Nothing. Shall we go down?" "Shall we talk about that?" "Its nothing I'm fine" "it IS something. I see you like that quite often. You were like that in the car too. And at Nando's. And the afternoon during the movie" "I'm fine I swear" "You can trust me" "Thanks but it really is nothing. I'm fine" "whenever you feel ready talk to me about it ok?" "Yeah thanks. I appreciate it" "no need to thank me. Come here!" He pulled me in for a hug and then we walked further to the stairs with him holding me in a side hug. "Morning Trev" Gabe said when Trevor walked behind us but he kept walking without saying a single word. I frowned again and Gabe noticed. "Its Trevor isn't it?" "No.... yeah... But no it's not him." "You like him?" "No. I don't even know him" "then?" "He just... He acts strange. The one time he is happy and the other he is sad. Then really sweet and then such a fuckboy! And so polite but then so rude and I just can't understand it. Also I hate seeing sad people and this makes it worst" "yeah I know what you mean. He's been through some stuffs but he is a really nice guy. He is the sweetest person and it's really so sad" "well that's sad...." "yeah indeed... you have no idea!" "Yeah... Can we go for breakfast now?" "Yeah let's go" I felt so bad for Trevor. I don't know what kind of stuffs he's been though but no matter what these 'stuffs' were they must have been really bad. I really wanted to help him feel better somehow but I couldn't without knowing and I didn't want to know until he told me.
Sean-Morning Gabe.
Sean-Sorry I don't have you cereal ready I didn't know you were awake.
Gabe-That's fine don't bother. I'll make on my own. Where are the cereal?
Sean-Cereal at the cupboard left from you, spoons right above, plates at the cupboard next to the fridge and milk in the fridge.
Gabe-Great thanks.
Sean-So how did you guys sleep?
Violet-Strangely good.
Gabe-Yeah me too. Until someone landed on me.
Sean-Guilty! Charlie kicked me off the bed sorry about that
Gabe-Really? I though it was Trevor.
Sean-Oh yeah maybe. I though that I fell on Trevor so maybe this happened and then he must have fallen on you. Sorry again.
Gabe-That's fine as long as I don't have any bruises.
Violet-Quick question
Violet-How did I end up on the couch with a blanket?
Sean-You fell asleep and Trevor didn't want to wake you up so instead of carrying you at the room he brought you the blanket.
Gabe-Dude we really have to do something with him
Gabe-He is out of his mind. Can you talk to him?
Sean-Who says he'll talk to me?
Gabe-Can you at least try?
Sean-Why don't you try?
Gabe-He isn't talking to me at all for a reason
Gabe-I don't know and I don't even think I've done something
Sean-I'll talk to him don't worry
Luna-Good morning guys
Sean/Violet/Gabe-Good morning
Luna-How are you all doing?
Sean/Violet/Gabe-Fine you?
Sean-Coffee cereal or else?
Sean-Cereal at the cupboard left spoons above, plates at the cupboard next to the fridge and milk inside the fridge
Liam-Hey. Why is everyone up? Luna can you make me cereal too?
Luna-Sure. Here you go.
Liam-Thank you.
Aria-Morning everyone
Aria-I want cereal too!
Sean-Cereal at the cupboard left spoons above, plates at the cupboard next to the fridge and milk inside the fridge
Aria-Thank you! Oh! By the way. Anyone knows why Trevor is in a reeeealy bad mood and in the living room instead of here?
Gabe-He is downstairs?
Sean-I should go shouldn't I?
Gabe-Yeeeeeah probably.
Aria-So? Why?
Sean-That's what I'm going to find out!
Mal-Good morning!
Luna/Liam/Aria/V/Gabe-Good Morning
Sean-Good morning. Cereal at the cupboard left spoons above plates at the cupboard next to the fridge and milk inside the fridge
Mal-Oh wow fast service thank you! But what if I want coffee?
Sean-Want me to make you some?
Mal-No thanks I want cereal. Just saying.
Sean-Good. Now grab them and come take a seat. I'll be back in a bit.
Aria-So. What's good and why up so early?
Luna-I'm a little nervous for today that's probably why.
Violet-Oh no don't remind me! I was good until now!
Gabe-Don't worry it will be fine. Just like yesterday.
Violet-Yeah but it's different. This time it will be thousands of people there while yesterday it was just you the boys Josh Bronnie and Robyn
Gabe-That's why it will be better today. That's the moment we live for. Come on you'll all do great!
Liam-Really now don't worry. I can't say that we are not nervous but you should chill a little. Everything goes away right when you start signing. It is scary in the start but everything goes away. Being on stage makes you forget all of your worries and everything. Trust me it's amazing.
Sean-The best feeling ever! Nothing can compare to that!
Liam-Weren't you supposed to be talking with Trevor?
Sean-Yeah but apparently he hates me and doesn't speak to me either.
Liam-Who else doesn't he talk to?
Liam-He doesn't talk to anyone?
Violet-He spoke to me
Aria-He ignored me! Why speak to you?
Gabe-When did he speak to you?
Violet-After you went in the toilet while I was heading down.
Gabe-So something must had happen after that?
Violet-I don't know. He seemed too cold anyway to me too. As if he didn't want to speak
Liam-Should I try?
Sean-No better let him for a while. Maybe he will talk to us later.

Can I Be Him? ♢ Trevor Cash - Over Atlantic ♢✅Where stories live. Discover now