The "T.ViC.T.Tru. Mission": Preparation (41)

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Mal's pov
Mal-What's up with you Vi?
Violet-What's up?
Luna-You have this stupid expression since the amusement park. Did something happen?
Ari-Besides Blake dumpling you?
Aria-Well go on!
Dinah-I bet it has to do with Trevor
Violet-Just say the story already
Dinah-No I want to hear it from you
Mal-You know what happened?
Dinah-I'm just guessing. And usually what I guess is right. TALK CRONIN!
Violet-Take it easy! It has to do with after Blake left
Mal-You're annoyed he ditched you
Violet-No. Yes. I don't know. It's not it. Only.
Mal-We won't ask one question after the other! Just say it!
Violet-Pffff... fine. After you all left it was me and Trevor. We had fun. More than ever. And it was great.
Luna-Then why are you like this?
Dinah-They kissed because they like each other and now she doesn't know how to tell Blake and what to do with him
Dinah-Dang it! But you kissed right?
Violet-No! Yeah. I don't know... Our lips bearly touched.
Ari-What exactly happened? How? Say everything!
Mal-All the details!
Violet-The first time he was comforting me because I was crying for Blake ditching me again. But he turned the last time and kissed me at the nose instead. The next time we fell from the jumping castle and I pulled back just a few inches away
Luna-Why were you in the jumping castle?
Aria-Why wouldn't they?
Mal-That's what you girls cared about from all these?
Dinah-You still like him huh?
Violet-Like crazy. I don't know what to do with Blake though. I feel guilty cause I feel like I cheated on him and I can't let go now more that ever
Dinah-Since you both like each other you have to fight it. Blake just keeps hurting you
Violet-But now I'll be the one who'll hurt him if I tell him what I did and specially why
Luna-I really doubt he'll ask why
Violet-I don't know what to do. What should I do?
Dinah-This is your life so it's your decision. I don't want to tell you what to do and then you to regret it
Mal-Just follow your heart. What does it say?
Violet-That I miss HomeTown as hell. Once I'd call Dayl and he'd put me on speakers and we'd solve the problem all together. Or I'd walk in his room. Or they'd walk in mine. How did we end up like this? It feels like we're going backwards...
Aria-No we're not. We have some great opportunities ahead and we just have to take advantage out of them right
Violet-Why are you wiggling your eyebrows at me?
Aria-I think you'll understand soon. You're clever enough
Violet-and in the absolute despair of hearing my brother's voice. I'm going to call him. I'll see you later
Luna-ok bye.
Luna-We have to tell her!
Mal-We can't it will break her!
Luna-but she is looking for a reason and this is the best!
Dinah-no it's from the worst! It's helpfull but hurtfull and I'm sick and tired of watching her in pain
Mal-Should I text the boys to come up?
Dinah-Yeah go ahead
Luna-what can we do?
Aria-Hopes dreams and prayers
Dinah-so clever!
Ari-do you have something better?
Aria-then shut up!
Dinah-you shut up!
Liam-both of you shut up we don't want her to listen to us
Mal-any idea what to do?
Sean-Trevor could tell her
Trevor-no way and you know why!
Trevor-because of something! Mind your own business
Dinah-She told us about the amusement
Trevor-oh. Okay...
Charlie-Gabe could. They are best friends he'll find a way
Gabe-Trevor said that he'd tell her one day so it can't be me
Trevor-I said maybe! There's a difference!
Gabe-still. You have to tell her
Trevor-why don't we all tell her together?
Charlie-I don't know about this
Sean-he is right. We are all her friends we should all be there. I vote for this
Mal-Sean is right. I go with it
Dinah-Yeah. I'm in too
Luna-me too
Mal-the majority has spoken. "T.ViC.T.Tru. Mission" is officially on!
Charlie-what the hell is that?
Mal-"Tell. Violet Cronin. The. Truth."
Dinah-how will we do it?
Trevor-with a lot of chocolate
Sean-and ice cream
Mal-let's just send a few persons to the supermarket or whenever
Sean-great idea! Malese and Trevor you're on!
Sean-because Trev knows her well and you suggested it
Mal-you're playing it boss so you're so joining us!
Trevor-there's no doubt about it!
Trevor/Mal-too late
Sean-I hate you!
Dinah-fight in the way there and move your butts!
Trevor-I'm driving!
Sean-you didn't!
Mal-Ha!I did😆
Sean-I hate both of you!
Trevor-come on Sean!
Charlie-what will we do?
Dinah-Gabe you could take her for a walk around until we have everything ready
Gabe-sure. Text us when to come back. I'm going to find her
Dinah-Great! Luna Aria Liam. Pizzas!
Liam-the others will take
Aria-we can help you prepare the food and stuff
Dinah-great. Aria Luna you can start by cleaning the living room; broom mop in the apotheke, soaps in the kitchen
Aria-wait! Why should we be the ones who cleans and who put you in charge?
Dinah-because do you trust Liam and Charlie on this?
Charlie-we can do this!
Dinah-No you can't!
Liam-Really? Do you have us that not capable?
Charlie-I mean, Liam is Liam but me?
Dinah-Yes both of you
Charlie-we'll show you whose not capable!
Liam-Yeah! Let's go Charls!
Charlie-Lets go Lims!
Aria-Wait.... Wait... Waaait! Now. High five queen!
Luna-That was so great! You're so filthy! Bravó!
Dinah-Thank you thank you! Shall you congrats my royalty in the kitchen?
Aria-Yes we shall you majesty of fooling!
Dinah-Chips on plates, chocolates, ice creams, waters, pizzas served, milkshake. What do we forget?
Charlie-Oh yeah. Here
Mal-Did anyone text Gabe?
Aria-Yeah me. They will be here soon
Gabe-We're here!
Violet-that's so pretty! What's going on?
Dinah-we have to tell you something. Have a seat.

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