"Friends" (40)

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Trevor's pov
We were getting closer, and closer, and closer. And then my phone rang and I stopped moving but didn't pull away because I though I knew why it was ringing and I was hoping I was right. Instead I just raised my head a little and kissed her nose. She loves kisses on the nose.
I said sorry without the reason why I said it and took the phone out of my pocket.
I could have said it because of the phone.
I could have said it because of the kiss that didn't happen.
I could have said it for the kiss that almost happened.
Or that I changed where the kiss would happen the last second.
I opened the message and it was what I was and wasn't hoping for. I didn't know what to do. "What happened? Why are you so pale?" "Its nothing" "what did the message say?" "Nothing. It was just Liam" "please stop with the lies! I'm tired of hearing them. I need the truth for once" "who's lying to you?" "I feel like Blake is lying lately. I don't know anymore" "I will tell you. But I need time I'm sorry. Maybe later. All I want right now is to go around the park. We have a bunch of opportunities to be kids and we're sitting here crying for things that don't deserve our tears. Come on. Let's go to the roller coaster" I said and took her by the hand drugging her there.
She had a silly childish smile all the time but I loved it. I loved seeing her smiling. I loved having her with me. I loved every second of the ride from when she was holding tight onto me because she was scared to when she stopped being scared and let her hands free to follow the wind.
"Ok. So roller coaster's down,

 So roller coaster's down,

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the dancer is down,

the flying boat is down,

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the flying boat is down,

the flying boat is down,

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my voice is down. What's next?" "How about we eat something?" "Yeah I'm in. What do you suggest Trevs?" "The canteen" "good choice! And what will we take?" "I'm dying for cotton candy to be honest" "yeah me too! A big colourful one!" "They will probably have only pink or blue" "yeah. But a mix can happen right?" "We could ask I guess" "great! The last one to go losses and pays!" "What? VI! VI THAT'S UNFAIR! WAIIIIIT!" And in matter of seconds she became smoke. For my good luck the canteen was to the end of the path so it wasn't hard for me to find her as I have up running from the beginning. "I know I said the last but... Here you go Cash!" "you really didn't have to pay for me" "that's fine. You can take the next thing we'll eat" "you're determined to eat a lot tonight aren't you?" "Sometimes you need to treat your self right and I haven't do that in a long while. You are right." "About what?" "I'm not tied in this 'relationship'. All it does is to tear me apart and it affects me everywhere including singing" "and what will you do?" "I think about ending it. It was so much better when we were just friends hanging out. Now I can't stand being near to him."

"If you we're mine I'd never let anyone hurt you. I wanna try those tears. Kiss those lips. It's all I've been thinking about".
That's all I was thinking about but I was so scared to tell her so I didn't as per usual. I kept it for me.
"If only I had a good reason to end this without hurting him..." "what if there is but you'll get hurt instead?" "What do you mean?" "Nothing. Just saying" "do you know something I don't?" "I'm just saying Vi. How could I know? He is not my boyfriend" "I know when you're lying. If you don't wanna tell me just tell me that. But when you're with me nothing hurts much. You always make me feel better somehow. Thank you." "No I thank you. For always being so understating and supportive. I missed you. And I'm so sorry I wasn't texting much. I had a really good reason. I might tell you one day. When I'm ready" "I can wait. Wanna go to the jumping castle?" "Isn't that for kids" "aren't we kids?" "Fair enough" "also it's far enough to have finish the cotton candy by then" "oh. Yeeeeaaah..." "what's-?... how did you manage to finish it so fast?" "I told you I'm dying for some!" "You're unbelievable!" "I'd go with hungry. And you seem full. Need help to finish yours?" "Stay away from my cotton candy!" "Ok fine!" "You can have I'm joking!" "Whose the unbelievable now?" "Oh shut up!" She said hardly keeping herself from bursting into laughs and as always failing but this time I joined her creating a laughing mess.
"Vi? Vi where are you? Vi? OH MY!" And then I found out where she was. She jumped on me from the back and I landed on the wall of the cattle with the face but I bounced back pushing her back but she kept her balance. I got the chance and said "that's how you wanna play huh?", I grabbed her hand and turned us having her pinned at the wall and more specifically at the corner of it. "That's unfair!" "That's a payback!" "Thats how you call it!" "Like jumping on me from behind was fair!" "I was jumping and I lost my balance!" "You're an awful liar!" "You're not a much better one" "really?" "Yes!" "Keep dreaming!" "That's what I do!" "Great! Now keep jumping too" "I love this song!" "Everyone does!" "Let's dance!" "In here? We'll fall more that usual!" "That's the point of jumping houses!" "That's a castle" "stop doing it!" "Stop talking! The song will finish!" "You're such a kid!" "Whatever. Come on!". We danced and laughed like crazy for the next 2 songs until I lost my balance and fell. "You fine down there?" "It's actually pretty nice. Corners are my thing you know" "yeah. Mine too you know" "what are you doing there then?" "What do you mean?". I pulled her down with me and she landed perfectly in my arms. I took a tight hold of her and she placed one hand around my head and one under my back when we started falling backwards and I quickly did the same. Like the first time in the car. Our first normal chat. Our first ever road trip. The first day we met. "what happened? Vi what did you do?" "I guess we found the open of the castle" "only we could do it" "tell me about it". We were again like then but this time switched up. She was on top but everything else was the same. I could feel the same intense between us except this time there wasn't awkwardness. It was just us two. The time had stopped. Everything but her was blurry. We were breathing each other's breaths. She looked so perfect standing there and it felt so right but in the same time so wrong. I ignored this feeling. I couldn't resist. I did it. While holding her head I pushed her a little lower and I raised my head while she did the same. Our lips inches apart once again. Like before but closer that before. And then she pulled away... "Trevor I... We... Blake! I- I can't. I'm sorry." "Violet wait!" She said and started walking away from me and I was running behind her. "I'm sorry! I didn't want-" "no don't apologize. I leaned in too. I wanted it too. I want it too. But I can't! I'm with Blake! I can't do it to him. I'm not that kind of person" "I know and I'm sorry. I just want it for so long and this time I couldn't resist" "you think I don't? You're amazing and I liked you from the moment I saw you but this can't happen. Can we please ignore it? Be friends..." "Yeah. I know it's better this way. We won't end up enemies. I love hanging out with you and I don't wanna lose it. Can we not end this night like this? Please?" "More than you can think." And we ended the night perfectly. We went everywhere pretending that everything is ok. That it never happened. We were laughing and she was smiling all the time. We went to the roller coaster again. We had more cotton candy that I bought this time and we had one of the best nights we could probably have.

*Trevor Moment finally came! I hope you liked this chapter and that you'll stay until the end it would mean a lot to me! Also make sure to vote if you like so far I really appreciate it and make sure to add the story to your libraries/lists as I upload random days✨💫*

Can I Be Him? ♢ Trevor Cash - Over Atlantic ♢✅Where stories live. Discover now