Lancashire (07)

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Violet's pov
"We are here!" Sean yelled and Rik pulled over close to the door so that we would take off the things without carrying them for a long distance. We went out of the car one by one and Sean run to hug his parents. That was so cute! "You're not telling anyone about that!"
"You keep the Barbie part a secret and I keep this" "so you do listen to Barbie!" "No! I did a long time ago but that's not the same. Just... don't! Ignore it!"
"Mum, dad, these are Charlie Liam Gabe Mal Aria Trevor Luna Dinah Violet Rik and Daniel. The girl's manager" he introduced us, we all said hello and then walked inside. We left the things at the leaving room and went to have food with Sean's parents. After that we said to practice for tomorrow's show all together. We all had our musical instruments on and placed the microphones the way that when they boys were signing we could see them and the opposite, so it would be like face to face, and so that we could also jam without bumping on each other.

Sean-What's first?
Dinah-Nooooo I'm so tired of this song!
Charlie-how can you not like this song?
Dinah-I like it! Just I'm tired of it Mal and Violet are signing it all the time!
Violet-But it's amazing! Besides, you played all the songs you wanted in the car including BARBIE but no closer!
Liam-Ok then. Who will sing which part?
Charlie-I want the first one
Mal-We better separate it in parts case we are a lot
Luna-first part boys second girls? Including the chorus.
Charlie-I'll say the 1st verse
Sean-Pre chorus
Trevor-So I guess I have chorus?
Liam-Chorus is chorus we say this together
Trevor-What do I say then?
Mal-You can say the bridge
Trevor-But the bridge is a combination of boys and girls
Violet-Just part the version in two. Charlie from the first hey and you from the second
Charlie-Yeah that works too
Trevor-and the chorus all together
Liam-including me
Sean-of course.
Violet-I take the blink-182 part!
Dinah-We know that
Mal-I say the "you look as good"
Luna-I know it breaks your heart moved to the city in a broked down car and. Dinah Yours
Aria-And I have the chorus or we say it all together?
Luna-All. But can also say the bridge with what, two other?
Aria-I don't want the bridge
Dinah-Who likes bridge?
Violet-I do
Mal-And I
Dinah-Don't look at me
Violet-So bridge is mine Mall's and whose?
Luna-I want too
Mal-So me Luna Violet?
Violet-I guess so
Luna-Boys yours?
Trevor-I for sure. Who else? I say Liam for sure
Sean-Me or you?
Charlie-I'm not really into the bridge so it's all yours
Trevor-So the bridge is me Sean Liam?
Trevor-Good. Let's start then!

We sat the following order; First was Liam, next to Liam Charlie, then Gabe , Trevor and Sean. With us it was Dinah, Mal, Aria, Me and Luna. So Liam had Dinah opposite, Charlie Mal, Gabe Aria, Trevor me and Sean Luna. We started signing at the top of our lungs. It was so amazing! Everyone was looking at each other and especially at the bridge and the last chorus where pretty much everyone was singing. I had eye contact with a lot but the one that I can't forget about is Trevor's. At the bridge we both had our guitars hanging and were holding the microphones looking at each other. His eyes was shining once again. "He has the most beautiful eyes. I don't think they can ever be prettier".
The day went by really fast with us signing like crazy and at night we said to watch a movie as we weren't really tired just yet. We decided to do a star wars marathon till everyone was tired and off to sleep as it's mine, Dianah's, Mal's and Trevor's favorite but also Luna hadn't see it. We all spread around the living room and the half of the guys went to sleep from the first movie while my girls went from the first half hour of the 2nd. Me and Trevor weren't sleepy so we both stayed up and he joined me at the couch in front of the tv quite close to each other sharing some popcorn and chatting a little bit for tomorrow's concert.

*Short and boring I know. But I had to fulfil the day and get you ready for the next chapter cause without this one there wouldn't be this little something that will happen😆*

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