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8 years later

Kharisma a.k.a. Riz

"Saying that black lives matter does not disregard the other lives in America," I stated for the third time, getting irritated with the conversation

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"Saying that black lives matter does not disregard the other lives in America," I stated for the third time, getting irritated with the conversation.

It was lunch time, D lunch to be exact, and I was just trying to enjoy my Popeyes that Serenity went and got on her off period. However, one of Amir's dusty ass jump offs felt the need to jump in my conversation.

All of us used to go to a private school not to far from our house, but there was a situation. Long story short, some of the dudes there were constantly picking on me about how I was a girl and over six feet. Kaine and Mir beat them up and got kicked out. I wasn't about to be at a stuck up school without my brothers.

Kaine and I started public school two weeks into our freshman year and Amir and Serenity's sophomore year. However during his sophomore year, Amir was getting suspended so much that he got retained, causing the three of us to be in the same grade. Now we were juniors and a senior.

"Well in my opinion, all lives matter."

"We wouldn't have to say black lives matter if all lives actually mattered. But you're entitled to your wrong opinion. Stop fucking talking to me," I mumbled, opening up a new container of blackened ranch so that I could finish my chicken strips.

"Aight, Riz. Chill," Kaine said, pulling me back towards him and covering my mouth with his hand. I bit his finger and he quickly moved his hand before pinching my side.

"Get ya lil pet away from this table, Amir."

Everybody laughed, but I was serious. I couldn't stand the girls that my brothers talked to. One reason was because they knew we came from money. The other reasons were that they were arrogant and assumed that I held my tongue like Kaine. But, my mouth tended to move much faster than I could think and I was usually hurting somebody's feelings.

She deserved it though. There was nothing I hated more than a dumb female with a loud mouth and a small ponytail.

Unfortunately, she possessed all three of those characteristics.

Amir sat back in his seat with a small smile on his face. "You heard my sister, bye." He was most likely happy that I was doing him the favor of getting her away from him.

She got up from the table and mugged us, "Fuck y'all."

"Girl," Serenity smacked her lips and waved the chick off, typing away at her phone.

"But what did I do to you," Kaine questioned, laughing.

Not too long after, the bell was ringing for us to go to fourth period. I chunked the deuces before getting up with my things, throwing away my trash, and walking to the east building where my history class was.

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