Twenty eight

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The events and dialogue in this chapter was necessary. Corey is Kareem's best friend; Jacorey is Kai's ex. Please differentiate.


"Kareem, I love you," Victoria mumbled, grabbing Kareem's jaw in her hand and turning his face towards her. His eyebrows were somewhat furrowed and his jaw flex's continuously as his mind ran hundreds of miles per second.

Corey, Dasani, and Layla had left not too long before and the kids had dispersed from the living room. As soon as the gate closed behind Layla's Beamer, Kareem shut the front door and began walking towards the room. Sensing his plans, Victoria was right on his heels.

Staring into her eyes, Kareem smiled before leaning down to kiss Victoria's forehead. "I love you too, Victoria," he spoke honestly.

"I know what you're thinking," Victoria announces after a brief moment of silence, watching Kareem begin to put on his choice of clothing for the night. Black socks, black muscle shirt, black basketball shorts, black jeans, black tee.

Chuckling slightly, Kareem shook his head, walking into the large closet. Effortlessly reaching up to the top shelf in the closet, Kareem grabbed his black timberland boots.

"It's a lot of shit on my mind. I'll buy you whatever you want if you can guess one of 'em," Kareem replies, standing up straight after slipping his feet into his shoes, not bothering to lace them up.

Folding her arms and sitting in her hip, Victoria asked, "What could you possibly give a woman who has everything she needs and wants?"

Chucking slightly, Kareem shook his head, grabbing his wallet from the island in the closet. "I'll let you know when I figure it out. But c'mon. Read my mind, love."

Victoria walked over to stand in front of Kareem and he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer to him. He was craving some of that temporary coolness she gave him because without the sound of her voice in his ears, Kareem would probably be punching holes in the walls.

"You're conflicted. You killed James eighteen years ago because if you hadn't, he would've offed me. You ran away from commitment to me because you thought your actions made you less of a man in my eyes— in the eyes of a God fearing woman. Now you don't know if what you're about to do tonight is what's right... I have never looked at you any different, Kareem, and I never will.

"Regardless, I still see the man I fell in love with. I'm not one to sit here and say 'yeah, go kill that nigga', but what else is an appropriate option in the life that we live? I know that you're wondering 'what if', but the ball remains in your court. I'm still gonna be here when you come back home... Do what you feel is best and we can worry about the consequences after."


"The nigga got heart," Kareem shook his head before inhaling from the blunt that resembled an index finger in diameter. The backwood had two ounces in it, but it was a necessity.

Exhaling, Kareem continued speaking, "He was still chillin' in the city after putting his hands on my daughter and basically threatening my life."

As soon as Kareem stepped out of his home, he got a call from Andres, Adrian's brother, saying that he found Jacorey at a club, partying like he was unaware that there were people gunning for his head. Deciding to keep things clean and lowkey like Kareem had taught, Andres went against his own mind that told him to walk into VIP and drag Jacorey by his neck.

Instead, Andres tipped off one of the women he knew in the club to convince Jacorey to take her home. As soon as the two got to Jacorey's car, Andres hit him with a right hook and threw him into the trunk of an unmarked vehicle.

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