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Even though y'all don't deserve this chapter, I'm gonna be nice.


After pulling into a parking space and putting her G-Wagon in park, Victoria leaned back in her seat and spoke, "Lord please don't make me have to send my son back up to you."

Victoria was just finishing up the last of many jumbo faux locs that she'd been working on since seven that morning, when she got a call from Kaydence's school.

Besides the fact that he talked entirely too much, Kaydence wasn't usually one to cause problems so it was shocking to hear that he'd just gotten into a fight.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Thompson. He's already in the principal's office."

Resisting the urge to roll her eyes at the fact that the employees never called her last name, always Kareem's, Victoria gave a tight lipped smile and continued through the main office.

On her way in, she noticed a boy sitting in one of the black office chairs with an ice pack up to his eye and a few tissues up to his nose that were spotted with blood. A woman who Victoria assumed was the child's mother sat next to him, watching Victoria's every move with a slight mug on her face.

All of the parents at the school knew who Victoria was and there were only a few who were actually fans of her. However, they had no reason for there dislike. Victoria was simply a hardworking woman and involved mother who liked to dress nice and that wouldn't stop for anybody's opinion.

At least he ain't lose. Victoria thought. She wasn't fond of her kids fighting, but she did believe that if they lost the fight, that one wouldn't be the only altercation of the day.

"Good to see you, Mrs. Thompson. I just wish your visit wasn't under these circumstances," Kaydence's principal greeted as she came through the door of his office and took a seat next to her son. Kaydence was slumped down in the chair with his chin on his fist, refusing to look in his mother's direction.

"I agree. Especially since I had to leave my job," Victoria replied, quickly glancing to her left at Kaydence and then gripping her purse in her lap in order to resist the urge to reach over and put her hands on him.

"I'm very sorry about that. Kaydence was involved in an altercation with his classmate. The two were doing partner work in math when his classmate called him an idiot for not understanding a problem. Kaydence asked if the student could help him, but he continued to mock him.

"Mr. Thompson grew frustrated with the other student and replied "But you flunked twice. Shut up with that crooked ass hairline." The other student threw the first punch and your son jumped out of his desk to defend himself. Due to the fact that his teacher is six months pregnant, she had to go to the classroom next door so that another teacher could break up the fight."

Sighing, Victoria shook her head and leaned back in her seat. She was grateful for the fact that Kaydence didn't start the fight and that he won, but she wasn't gonna let that be known.

"What's his punishment?"

"Since we are a no-tolerance school, we are required to reprimand Mr. Thompson. However, because he did not initiate the altercation, he is only being given three days of suspension."

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