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"What you tryna eat, Kay?"

Looking in the rear view mirror of his truck, Kaine saw that Kaydence was knocked out sleep. Shaking his head, he got off of the freeway at his designated exit and eased down on the breaks. The light had just changed to yellow and the person in front of him slowed down instead of speeding through it.

It was the middle of the week and Kaine had just got out of basketball practice and picked Kaydence up from their grandmother Celine's house.

Since Kaydence was the youngest out of all Celine and granddad Kaine's grandchildren, they let home do whatever he wanted most of the time. Therefore, Kaine knew that his brother hadn't had anything to eat other than candy and any other junk food he saw and wanted.

Hearing his phone ding in the cup holder, Kaine checked to see if the light was still red before picking it up, unlocking it, and clicking on the iMessage thread between him and Amir.

Young Bull Mir
What's the move?

Young Bull Kaine
Nigga it's Wednesday

Young Bull Mir
Fuck you

Laughing at his cousin's clear attitude even through text, Kaine typed 'You too bitch' and sent the message. He dropped his phone back into the cup holder just as the light turned green.

By the time he time Kaine got to the next light his phone was ringing again. Ma Dukes👑 was Facetimimg.

"Hello," Kaine spoke as soon as the call connected and Victoria's face appeared on the screen.

"Alani I ain't ya equal so that attitude needs to go before it's really me and you," Victoria said in a loud voice, speaking to Kharisma who hadn't been having the best day.

Victoria used her middle name so Kaine knew that his sister had been testing their mother's patience for a while.

"What you say," Victoria asked with a raised eyebrow when Kharisma turned around to go upstairs to her room. In reality, all Riz did was exhale but Victoria knew her child had a bad attitude at times and was willing to put nothing past her at that moment.

Stopping in her tracks and rolling her eyes, Riz replied, "I didn't say anything."

Watching Kharisma continue up the rest of the steps, Victoria held a hard look on her face. She mumbled something under her breath before finally putting her focus on Kaine who hadn't even been paying too much attention to the exchange.

"Stop by the store and get some crackers. I'm making gumbo."

"Wow. No 'hello', momma?"

"Hello, Kaine," Victoria said, trying not to smile at her oldest son. She was still pissed at Kharisma and her unnecessary attitude.

Kaine grinned, looking back and forth between his phone and the road. "Hello, mother."

"Get my crackers and hurry up and get home. Be careful."


"Where you at," Adrian asked through the phone, the engine of his Tahoe roaring to life a few seconds later. That morning Adrian had decided that he wanted to sit high while handling his business so he chose to drive his truck instead of his car.

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