Twenty five

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I didn't edit this so beware of possible mistakes.

Two months later



"Aubree you missed me?"

Amir stared at his younger sister and she stared back at him with no emotion on her face, looking just like Vanessa. Her eyes were green like her father's however, and they alternated between a light and darker shade depending on her mood. When Aubree didn't reply, Amir took that opportunity to assume what she would say. "Mhm. I knew you did."

It had been some time since he was shot and was slightly short of being completely healed. Amir was blessed by the fact that the bullets missed any vital organs because had they not, he would have most likely been out of football for a long time.

As commanded by the head man in charge, all operations were running slow. There was a logical reason that Kareem chose not to react so soon, though. Amir's 18th Birthday was in March, around the time of the shooting and then a few other important birthdays and dates like Mother's Day followed. Kareem didn't want to react too quickly and cause more havoc, putting his entire family in further danger.

But, he and Corey had been doing what they do best when it came to getting information. The two made sure that the police were no where near their business because things would have only gotten more messy. The tapes were pulled from the gas station without protest because the owner knew Kareem only showed up when shit was serious and he felt no reason to give the man a hard time.

It seemed as though all loose ends hadn't been tied up in the past like everybody thought. The reason was completely unknown at the moment, but in due time all the pieces would be put together.

"Can you pass me her bottle," Amir asked of Victoria and she nodded before handing him the bottle of Vanessa's breast milk. Two months really wasn't a long time but he had become like Aubree's second father. Amir analyzed everything that she did and spoiled the mess out of her because he didn't want to hear his baby sister crying or whining for anything.

Uncapping the bottle, Amir put the plastic nipple in Aubree's mouth and she immediately latched on. A few minutes of silence passed as her the baby's eyes started to get heavy while she ate. Amir looked back and forth between her and his phone as Victoria sat at the desk of her office doing the same.

The past months had also given Amir and Vanessa time to become reacquainted. It was awkward for sure because it was as if Amir was meeting the woman and getting to know her for the first time ever, but he was trying. They both were.

Vanessa felt guilty, as she should have, for neglecting Amir for so long. The past couldn't be changed though so she had to deal with her mistakes and the fact that they would probably never have a bond as close to the one Victoria had with Amir because she was damn near his biological mother.

One of the only reasons that Amir was willing to tolerate Vanessa was because he wanted to be in his sister's life and have somebody that he shared a parent with. Another reason was the fact that he deserved some sort of peace in his life and he was getting it having broke down the barrier on his heart that forbid him from forgiving Vanessa.

Overall, Amir was trying to move forward in his own life. Being shot not only made him want to calm his ass down because niggas were out to get him and also because his uncle was willing to strip every ounce of support from under him. In addition to that, he now had a sister he had to live for as well as the opportunity to go pro.

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