Twenty nine

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***Go ahead and reread the last chapter before continuing.


Adrian walked into Kai's bakery, nodding at Caesar and some of the other people he recognized on his way to the back. On the outside Adrian looked like he was having a regular day with his normal poker face. However, on the inside Adrian was fuming and ready to jack Kai up but he knew it was best to control his frustrations for her sake. Adrian was upset, not heartless.

It had been two days since they tortured and killed Jacorey and Kai was avoiding Adrian and Kareem like the plague. In fact, if you weren't Layla, Victoria, or Kharisma, Kai wasn't speaking more than a few words. In all honesty, Kai felt weak and exposed and she couldn't stand the attention that she was getting from the males around her. It was like they were even more over protective and she felt smothered.

Kai was staying at her mom's house for the time being so that she wouldn't have to deal with Kareem or Adrian coddling her like a child. Although her stepfather was just as concerned as everyone else, he was on a business trip and wouldn't be back at the house until the following week.

The "how you feeling?" texts were repetitive and Kai felt no need to respond. She simply wanted to go make her money and then be alone until she decided otherwise.

That night Kareem, Corey, Adrian, and Andres we're leaving to go to New York and Adrian really didn't feel comfortable enough to leave without talking to Kai first. Although she had her little attitudes on occasions, she has never just blatantly ignored him so Adrian was genuinely concerned.

Walking into her office without knocking, Adrian immediately spotted Kai sitting behind her desk. Closing the door behind himself, Adrian leaned back against it and folded his arms over his chest as he stared her down.

"You could've knocked," Kai said, looking away from her computer briefly before redirecting her attention back to it. There was a mass amount of emails that had accumulated in such a short amount of time and not responding to them immediately meant money lost.

I need an assistant. Kai thought and made a mental reminder to start looking for one.

"Ya fucking phone broke," Adrian started, not acknowledging Kai's statement. He honestly wasn't in the mood for her sarcasm at that moment.

"No, it's not. I just don't want to talk," she replied simply.

"Why not," Adrian questioned, really not understanding why Kai was isolating herself from the people that cared about her the most. They were just trying to make sure that nothing like that ever happened again.

Finally deciding to remove her attention from the computer and to Adrian, Kai gave him an icy glare as she folded her arms and sat back in the chair.

"I know y'all killed him."

Furrowing his eyebrows, Adrian shrugged his shoulders carelessly. "Okay? And?" He'd do it again if given the chance.

Mimicking Adrian's facial expression, Kai uncrossed her arms before leaning forward in the seat. "What do you mean okay?! Why are you so fucking nonchalant?"

"Because that nigga put his hands on you and was sending threats, the fuck?" For the life of him, Adrian couldn't understand why she was even questioning their actions. Jacorey did what he did, so they did what they did.

It was as simple as that.


"But what?! You feel sad about the shit," Adrian questioned when a lightbulb went off in his head. "You still love that nigga?"

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