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It's chapter 19 and I still haven't wrote a scene. 😉 Lmao, wait on it y'all. I have to decide who's first.

One week later


"You miss daddy," Adrian's deep baritone spoke through his end of the phone.

Kareem had sent Adrian and Andres back east to their home, the Bronx, to handle business for the week. It had only been three days and the duo had four more to go. However, Adrian was getting all his work done in a timely manner, missing out on playtime, because he missed his Kai.

The two weren't dating. However, Adrian and Kai had grown somewhat attached to each other over the few months that they'd known each other. Adrian more than Kai.

Kai had recently gotten out of a relationship and she felt that it was best for her to take a break and live a little-- something she hadn't been able to do much when she was with Jacorey. Kai had a few guy friends and that number continued to grow as more people found out that she'd freed herself from Jacorey. She was single, and it was harmless fun as well as a few meals here and here.

On the other hand, Adrian felt like him and Kai were working towards a possible relationship. Yeah Adrian still had females that he had sex with and entertained from time to time, but none of them were getting treated like or made him feel like Kai did. In Adrian's eyes, those females were just place holders until he and Kai made it official.

Stopping in her tracks, Kai tuned her face up, "Quit showing out in front of your people before all your shit at my house ends up in the trash."

"Ain't nobody around me. Chill," Adrian replied, knowing that Kai was serious. She couldn't stand his mouth at times and Kai made it known that she wasn't one to be played with.

As time progressed and she learned more about him, Kia realized that Adrian had a lot of growing up to do just like most of the other dudes his age. Majority of the time, Kai forgot that she was only 23 years old. Since she could remember, Kai had been more mature than many other people the same age as her.

"You chill, crazy ass nigga," Kai replied, continuing on her journey to the kitchen. She was always thirsty and a cold bottle of water was always calling her name.

Nodding his head slowly at Kai's remark, Adrian relaxed more into his couch and spoke, "Kai you still haven't answered my question."

Adjusting her phone so that it was sitting between her shoulder and ear, Kai rotated the bottle cap to open the water that she'd just gotten from the refrigerator. "I just talked to my dad and he's doing fine."

Adrian sucked his teeth at Kai's way of avoiding his question. "I ain't say dad. I said daddy. I know you miss my lips making you scream and shit. When am I gonna have the pleasure of getting in them guts 'cus I know you feel as good as you taste, if not better-"

"I'm not fucking you," Kai stated in a nonchalant tone. She wasn't having sex with anyone at that moment. In fact, the last time she'd been sexually active, other than allowing Adrian to I've her head, was before she and Jacorey had that argument in his car.

"Not now at least. But it's alright. Ima wait on you."

"How much have you had to drink," Kai questioned, walking out of the kitchen and beginning to make sure that her condo was tidy and secured. That was part of her daily routine before she officially retreated to her bedroom for the night.

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