Twenty seven

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So let me tell y'all about how I got the times messed up. Two chapters ago, I said it was the end of May, so they should be out of school at this point. But the way my mind is set up, I'm a fool... this will be the last chapter with them at school for a while.

Riah is about four months pregnant now.


"What you got planned this weekend?"

"Sleeping," Chloe replied, walking out of the classroom door that Kaine was holding open for her. "Thank you."

"You lazy, man," Kaine shook his head at Chloe's words. She wasn't involved in any extracurricular activities so she was free majority of the time unless she was at work. If she wasn't at work, Chloe was sleep. Karim was the opposite because he was on the go most of the time.

Chloe nodded in agreement with his words, "And I take pride in my laziness."

"Kaine," somebody called from behind them. Turning around, Kaine made eye contact with Riah. She was dressed in a black hoodie with boyfriend jeans and some slides. She was anemic and was usually cold so that would explain her outfit in the Houston heat.

Riah had just surpassed the three month mark and her belly wasn't too visible since she was petite. However, Riah's cheeks were beginning to get bigger and she had somewhat of a glow to her.


"I need to talk to you," she mumbled, then looking everywhere but at the two. Riah could feel Chloe's eyes on her and it was making her very uncomfortable. The gaze made Riah wonder if Chloe knew she was pregnant and also made her wonder if Chloe was her replacement.

Yeah, Kaine didn't trust the girl anymore, but he wasn't about to dog her out in front of or to anybody. He wasn't raised like that so if anybody knew anything, it was because of Riah and other gossip that was circulating.

"I'll call you after school. I gotta get to my class," Kaine responded, not feeling sorry for Riah. He saw through the front that she was trying to put on and anything that needed to be said could be texted or said over the phone like it had been for the past few months.

Dropping her head in defeat, Riah felt a pang of jealousy and hurt in her heart. "Okay," she replied before turning and walking to wherever she was going.

"So it's true," Chloe asked, not having to elaborate on what she was talking about. Her sister had recently had a baby boy so Chloe wasn't shy of what a pregnant woman looked like in her early stages. Also, damn near everybody knew Riah was pregnant because of that tweet she had made, allowing everybody in on her private life.

Sighing, Kaine responded to Chloe asking if the baby was his, "Possibly."

"How you feel?"

"I don't even know," Kaine answered honestly. There was a fifty percent chance Kaine was about to be a father at the age of seventeen but that was his fault and he had no choice but to step up to his responsibility. There was no room for feelings at this point.

"Look at them niggas over there," Kaine said, spotting Kharisma and Caesar walking to her truck. They had planned to go off campus for lunch and their greedy selves wasted no time. Chloe looked in that direction and cooed in admiration as Caesar wrapped his arm around Riz's shoulder and pulled her closer to him. She thought that they were so cute together.

By then, everybody in their small circle knew that the two were together and were rooting for them even though Amir and Kaine felt a way about their baby sister being in a relationship. They would just have to deal, though. Caesar was a decent guy so they shouldn't have much to worry about anyway.

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