Twenty (part 2)

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Same night


Walking into his father's house, Kaine couldn't help but slam the front door much harder than what was called for. His emotions were all over the place and he didn't know how to react to what Riah told him not even as hour prior.

Kaine wanted to cry, he wanted to scream, he wanted to punch a whole in the wall. He wanted to do so much but only had wrought energy for his mind to continue to race. That and the fact that Kareem would've done damage for Kaine coming in and messing up his home were the only things that made Kaine sit down on the couch and put his head in his hands.

The slamming of the front door caused Kareem to wake up out of his sleep confused. He knew that the person who had just came in was one of his children or Victoria because the guards at the gate of the house were instructed to let no one other than them in while he was asleep or unable to buzz them in. However, nobody paid bills in the house but Kareem so he wondered who had the audacity to come in slamming doors.

Getting up from California King bed, Kareem walked to use the bathroom and then brushed his teeth before walking out of his room, not bothering to put on a shirt. Emerging from his room that was towards the back of the house, Kareem made his way into the living room. The first thing he noticed was Kaine sitting at the edge of the sectional with his head in his hands and his car keys and phone in the middle of the coffee table.

"Why you coming in my house slamming doors," Kareem questioned Kaine, not yet aware of the severity of the situation. Kaine remained lost in his thoughts so he didn't hear a word that Kareem said.

Kareem noticed that Kaine wasn't listening and spoke his name again, "Kaine." And then a second time.

"Kaine I know you hear me," Kareem added more bass to his voice due to the fact that he hated to be ignored and he was growing irritated from that and also from being woke up out of his sleep.

"Riah been fucking the nigga in that video since their so called 'closure' meet up and now she's pregnant and don't know if it's my baby or not. Bitches ain't shit I swear," Kaine dropped his hands from his face and spilled, letting his anger and hurt speak for him knowing that he wasn't raised to curse in front of adults or call women out of their name.

Before Kaine could realize what was happening Kareem leaned down to his level and punched him in the chest. Kaine flexed his jaws and flared his nostrils to eat the lick and refrain from retaliating. Kareem stood back up with his eyebrow raised, waiting for Kaine to get bold and react. When he didn't, Kareem spoke.

"Don't you ever in your life let me hear you call another female out of their name. I ain't fucking raise you to do that shit. She might have hoe tendencies but from the way you been sick, that might be your baby."

That morning with Victoria asked if Kaine had anything to tell her, Kaine said no in all honesty. Immediately after she got Kaine settled, Victoria called Kareem and told him that she felt that Kaine was either getting the flu or he got Riah pregnant. Unfortunately, it might be the latter.

"So what you gonna do? Because you gotta be a man now and I'm not taking care of a man and his kids," Kareem stated.

His eyebrows furrowed and Kaine looked up at his father with an unsure look in his eyes. "You're kicking me out," Kaine asked, but it sounded more like a statement of realization. His whole body began to heat up at the thought of being out on his own with no money and a child to raise.

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