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A/n: boot and trunk are the same thing.

You pull out your phone and open the camera app. You check your appearance a final time.

Hair is still particularly curly/ straight,

Lipstick isn't smudged,

Eyeliner is kinda messy but I can deal with it.

"Niall" you call as you knock on his front door.

No reply.

"Niall, hurry up" you moan as you repeatedly slam your fists against the brown door.

The door opens and your hands hit his chest, hard. You gasp and hold in a laugh as you see the surprise in his face.

"Sorry" you mumble as you let your hands drop to your waist.

"You never fail to cause a scene, do you?" He grins And adjusts his   White snapback.

"I never cause a big scene" you argue back, smirking a little as you knew it was a lie.

"Oh really?" He scoffs, resting a had on the door frame.

"You're a bigger drama queen than me" you smile as you poke his stomach.

"The great pyrocynical will not stand for this blatant slander" he says, chuckling a little.

"Are you going to help me move in or..." you ask as you make your way back down the driveway.

"You're actually moving in? I thought you were joking" he yells back as he trails slowly behind you.

"I will drive back home, where I'm from is a lot nicer than here" you threaten, opening the trunk of your car.

"And what a shame that would be" he smirks as he finally catches up to you.

You bend over and grab a box from the boot. "Sometimes I wonder why I even bother with you" you sigh.

Niall wraps his arms around your waist from behind and kisses your neck. "But you usually job my memory" you smile as he lets go of you.

"Always happy to be of use" he smiles as he picks up a few boxes.


"Fuck off, girls only" you tease as Niall approaches the cardboard fort you'd make out of empty moving boxes.

"I've just come to tell you that my forts better and its boys only" he sticks his tongue out and wiggles his hips.

"Oh," you mutter as you sit down and slump in the corner of your "castle".

You lean back onto your fort and the boxes give from behind you, causing most of your masterpiece to fall down with you.

"Are you okay?" Pyro chuckles as he leans over the heap of boxes.

You nod your head, a box directly covering your face, you kick the next box your foot that comes into contact with.

"Ouch, cunt" pyro exclaim, jumping up and down as he holds his probably bruised leg.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry" you apologise as you rush to your feet.

"It's fine, honestly. I was just playing" he smirks, letting go of his leg.

"I actually felt bad" you scoff as you turn your back to him, your eyes now resting on the broken mess that had taken you half an hour.

"I'm sorry" he says as he hugs you from behind, resting his chin(S) on your shoulder.

"I guess it's okay" you smile as you turn to face Niall. You loosely snake your arms around his neck.

"I love you" he smiles and kisses your lips softly.

"I love you too" you mumble as you kiss him back.

"Wanna go play in my fort?" He smiles as he intertwines his fingers with yours.

"I thought you'd never ask" you grin as you practically leap into the other room.

A fourth book?  Sadly it is.

I hope to update this around twice a week!

Vote and comment? Tell me who you want next? Request plot lines. Whatever you want I'd be happy to write :)

Peace peace ✌️

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