Herotictv ☽// walkers

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I've been reading the walking dead books so here this is. It's also longer than usual because I didn't want the romance to ruin the vibe.

Also, all of the youtubers mentioned are English:)

Oliver = colossal is crazy
Will = herotictv
Niall = pyrocynical
Pippa = thepiplad

"Duck" Oliver yells as he swings the metal baseball bat above your head, hitting a younger woman dressed in a matching tracksuit. The blast is hard enough to crack her skull and send pieces of her frontal lobe flying.

"How many Fucking times" the older man groans in frustration as he wipes a piece of brain matter from his eyebrow.

"Thank you, colossal" you nod your head submissively and pull a small bad axe from the back of your jeans. This is the third time today you've almost let a biter get you.

"It's been months, stop calling me colossal" he quickly scans the surroundings again, checking for any remaining biters.

Two people can be seen approaching in the distance, you'd met them a few miles back on the motor way. Their car had ran out of gas and it'd been a while since you had meet another human capable thinking that wasn't Oliver.

"you know what, I was hoping that they'd been jumped by a few of these mongrels by now" Oliver sighed almost comically and rested the bat against his foot.

"Why do you always have to be so cynical?" You scold the brunette while he unzips his plain black jacket, this day being the hottest it's ever been since the outbreak.

"Because I have to look after two teenagers and a man child while the pissing world DIES (Y/N)! THE WORLD IS DYING" his voice cracks slightly when he shouts the word dies causing you to laugh slightly.

"Pippa could be here, that would've been worse" you try and lighten the mood.

"That goblin probably let these fuckers into his appointment" he chuckles slightly at the thought of his former companion being devoured by locals.

"Did you find anything?" You ask the pair hopefully as they continue to make their way towards you.

"There's an old house on a hill, about twenty minutes away" Niall nods his head at you and smiles slightly after telling you the news.

"It's crawling with biters" will says harshly as he dusts some dried mud off his supreme hoodie.

"Nothing we cant handle" you grin up at Oliver causing him to roll his eyes at you.

"We could shiphorn some fuel from these cars and be there in a few minutes max" Oliver suggests while gesturing to the various cars scattered about the street.

"I'll get started" you grin as you retrieve a knife and a empty 2 litre milk bottle from your bag.

You clear your throat to get the older mans attention and outstretch your hand towards him.

"What now?" He moans and rubs his furrowed brow.

"The tube" you raise your eyebrows and motion to the beaten light brown hose pipe that he's currently using as a belt.

" I can't catch a Fucking break, can I?" He exclaims dramatically while undoing the makeshift knot in the hose.

"Alright grandpa cal-"

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