Idubbbztv //playing murder🕸

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"Stop it" you shout at the man you once new as Ian carter.

"I won't tell you again get out of the fucking way" he shouts, shoving you into a wall.

The back of your head smashes into the wall, you try to stand back up but you lose your balance and fall to the floor.

"Leave her alone, cunt" max yells from under the table.

"There you are" he grins as he makes his way over to max.

"Hey, (y/n)" George whispers from behind you.

"Come with me" he gestures towards the door.

"What about max and Chad?" You question, gulping at the thought of what night happen to them.

"Do you want to live?" Joji scolds, waiting for Ian to walk out of sight.

"Ian, please. Don't do this" max cries as he cowers further under the table.

"Shut up max, you're such a pussy. You act all tough until someone finally talks back to you!" he shouts, kicking the table and knocking it over in progress.

Chad crawls next to you, emerging from behind the sofa.

"I've got a plan" he says, gesturing towards George, asking him to come over.

He comes over and you both look at Chad, waiting for him to explain.

"I need you two to shout while I creep around Ian's back. I'm going to try take him out" he whispers, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"Three" you whisper.

"two" Chad closes his eyes and takes a breath in.

"one" George says as Chad crawls around the back of the sofa.

"Hey, Ian you cuck! Can't take us on your own so you have to get a gun!" You yell standing up from your spot.

"Get some balls faggot" George shouts standing next to you, he holds your hand for comfort.

Ian turns around to face the two of you, leaving a red nosed max trembling on the floor.

"It could of been us (y/n)! We could've got out of here, away from this" he shouts as he reloads his gun.

"But now I see that you've chosen a different life, with them. I guess you have to go" he smirks, a sadistic smile spread across his face. He lifts the gun up and places it against your temple.

You tremble at the feeling of the cold metal against your forehead. You try to muster all the courage you can and pull a straight face, a single tear sliding down your cheek.

"Do it" you snap, spitting in his face.

"I still love you gorgeous, it'll be a shame to see that pretty face go to waste" he sighs, almost sounding sincere as he leans in placing a cold, yet somewhat meaningful kiss on your cheek.

George's arm tremble in anger as he goes to raise his fist.

"Don't try anything, George. You'll get your turn, enjoy the show" Ian chuckles, cocking his gun.

Chad stands up and sprints towards Ian, jumping on his back and pulling him down to ground.


Ian fires his gun and it makes a hole in the door.

You jump to the floor and hold Ian's hand down as you try to take his gun.

"Fat cunt, get off me" Ian screams as he punches Chad in the face.

Max runs over and jumps on Ian's stomach, trying to pin him down as Chad tries to keep his legs down.

He manages to raises his arm up and bring his gun down on your temple, knocking you out.

"(Y/n)!" Max shouts as scrambles off Ian, rushing to your side.


Ian fires his gun again, a lifeless Chad now lies on the floor with a bullet hole through his head and his brain matter sprayed across the wall.

"Can't say much now can you?" Ian chuckles, lightly slapping chads cheek.

"You prick" Joji screams, floods of tears running down his face. He punches Ian in the face and kicks his crouch.

"Fuck" Ian mumbles as he falls to the floor, gun still in hand.

Joji kicks Ian's head as hard as he can, causing it to snap backwards, a rather prominent crack could be heard as he dose it.

Ian laughs as crimson liquid starts to trickle from his nose and into his mouth. He aims the gun at max and fires a final time, the bullet piercing through his throat.

Joji stomps on Ian's hand, causing him to drop the gun. Without thinking George picks it up and shoots the gun into Ian's chest. He Carries on firing until the guns empty.

"What have I done?" He crruws as he falls to his knees, throwing the gun at the wall.

"And that's a wrap" jacksfilms smiles as he stops the recoding.

"We did it fist try!" You shout as you get up off the floor.

"I'm so sorry if I hurt you" Ian mumbles into your hair as he hugs you.

"You haven't, its fine" you smile, giving the boys a thumbs up.

"See Ian, always knew you could be a school shooter" jack teases as he pats Ian's back.

"Fuck off guys" he huffs.

This isn't romantic but I had to do something like this.

I may also be a tad drunk again so tell me if there's any mistakes.

Could you see the ending coming?

Peace peace ✌️

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