Zuckles// teen romance

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This is from my other one-shot book! I will no longer be uploading misfits & friends chapters to this book :) those will be a different book. Please read that one if you want more of this.

You've been lay on the ground with a rather dopey Australian boy next to you for the past few hours.

He traces his fingers lazily up and down the bong next to him with a weak, dazed out smile on his face.

"How did the Pilgrims know fungus on wild mushrooms got you fucked up?" Mason rolls over onto his side, his full attention focused on your response.

The soft expression on his face begins to turn into a more confused look as he really begins to think about what he just said.

You almost laugh before answering him due to the fact Mason is hardly ever serious.

"Maybe they just started eating mushrooms when they went out hunting or something?" Mimicking masons body language, you turn onto your side so you can look into his eyes.

"Like that whole Salem Witch Trial thing was clearly a result of people tripping balls off the mould growing on their bread." He rubs his temples and squints harshly at the floor.

"I'm an actual genius" retiring back to his usual self Mason sits up and reaches for his phone.

"Because geniuses use the word choofed every other sentence" you grin as Mason's fingers scramble to find his phone.

"Stop bullying me, cunt" he pulls his phone from the shelf and smiles at you like he's just achieved something big.

"I'm not, you're just talking shit" you lean towards the taller boy and flick his noes. A small chuckle leaves your mouth when his face recoils inwards.

"Shut up, cunt, you've got more teeth than brain cells" he rubs his nose and glares at you intently.

"Can you put some music on so I don't have to hear your squeaky voice?" You smirk at him while he unlocks his phone.

"Nah, I'm not taking this" he replies jokingly and opens the Spotify app on his phone.

With that being said, you pull your lighter out your pocket and reach for Mason's bong.

Mason watches you with a smile as you take another hit and blow smoke in his direction.

"I love this song" a familiar tune floats through the air, one that Mason knew you'd love.

"You tell me every time it plays" he smiles wider as you pass the bong over to him.

"It's a beautiful song" you comment as the pair of you slowly begin to hotbox Mason's room.

"You're a beautiful song" he starts laughing, almost choking on smoke at his nonsensical reply.

Seeing Mason laughing always made your heart feel warm, seeing him somewhat happy.

"You're fucked cunt" you take the bong away from him and put it next to his dresser.

"Dance with me?" He stumbles to this feet and outstretches his hand towards you with a goofy look on his face.

Taking him a little too seriously you feel your throat go tight "What?"

"Will you give me this dance?" He tries his best to form a straight face and speak in a relatively posh voice.

"You soy boy" you take his hand with a smile, letting him pull you to your feet with ease.

"Shut up" he mumbles while your fingers slip in between his and your other arm goes around the back of his neck.

He places his hand on your waist as the pair of you clumsily slow dance to nightcore in a stoned haze.

You look up at him, trying not to laugh since you've accidentally stood on his foot about ten times now.

"This was more romantic in my head" he looks down into your eyes and smiles widely.

"Yeah, stoned slow dancing, and they say romance is dead" you continue to tease him and rest your head on his shoulder.

"You love it" his breath trickles down your neck in an almost soothing way, you close your eyes and nuzzle closer into him.

"I do" you smile and he kisses you softly on the head, your cheeks burn red when he does.

"[y/n]?" He moves his hand from your waist and brushes your hair back so he can look you in the eyes.

"What are we?" You can feel him tense and he looks around the room, not wanting to see your face right now.

You always thought that Mason saw you as a younger sister, that you'd always just be close friends that share a few stoned kisses.

You take a deep breath and reply "what do you want us to be?"

"I don't know, but what I do know is that when I'm with you I feel calm. All the crazy shit in my head seems to calm down when I'm with you" he places his fingers under your chin and tilts it up so you're making eye contact.

"I've been in love with you for so long" he states shakily, the fear that you might not feel the same just setting in his mind.

"I love you too" the purest feeling of happiness spreads through your body and your eyes water slightly.

Not even a second later, Mason leans forward and pushes his lip against yours.

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