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"Fucking cunt" You spit at the taller boy as he walks past you with a smug look plastered on his face.

"Should've watched where you were going then, babe" He winks at you and turns back around, walking carelessly down the corridor.

"One day that guy's going to get what's coming to him" You mutter under your breath as you pick up your books and pick your bag up from the floor.

"She's got it out for you Simon!" An older, darker haired boy calls out to Simon, he must've heard your comment.

"Bring it on" you hear him reply as he turns a corner to walk into the collages second building.

You push yourself up from the floor and fling your bag over your shoulder, you give the older boy a dirty look and carry on walking to your lesson.


"I really can't be bothered" you sigh as you fail for the fifth time to put your book in to your bag.

"Hey, babe" you turn around, ready to finally give him a piece of your mind but instead you're met by a hand on the back of your head and his lips on yours.

You struggle slightly under his touch expecting him to give straight away but instead he just deepens the kiss.

You finally snap, you bring your leg up and knee him in the balls which earns a cry of pain from the boy.

"Dude, that was fucking piss" Howled a boy called JJ as he turns his phone off and puts it in this pocket.

"Cunts" you call while walking down the corridor with your middle fingers up.

"Feisty Simon, I like it" JJ continues to laugh while Simons only just managed to get on his knees.

"Fuck off JJ" the dirty blonde mutters as he finally manages to land on his feet.

You push open the exit doors and walk out onto campus ground with a smirk on your face.

"If that's how you want to play it" you grin as an idea comes into your head.


You scout out the changing rooms to see if there's anyone else in there.

No one, just Simons clothes and towel.

You hear footsteps approach the entrance so you swiftly hide behind a set of lockers.

A few minutes later you look back at Simons changing post to see that his towels gone but his shorts and clothes are still there.

You run over and pick up his clothes and wet swimming shorts.

You cringe slightly as the water from his shorts begins to drip onto your jeans.

"Fuck" you inhale deeply as Simons phone falls out of his pocket and smacks against the floor.

"Who's there?" You look over your shoulder to see the dirty blonde emerging from the showers with a towel wrapped around his waist.

You pick up his phone and sprint out of the changing rooms, pulling the door shut as you leave.

"Bitch" you hear Simon yell as you reach the exit for the swimming pool.

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