Amazingphill ⚑// allergies

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You patiently stand in line at the pharmacist while rubbing your hands together greedily.

The last thing you wanted today was to wait in a line but that's where you found yourself on a Saturday afternoon.

It's been about twenty minutes and you find yourself nearing the front of the line but the old lady at the front was taking forever.

You sniffle slightly while carefully rubbing your puffy eyes as someone joins you at the back of the queue.

"I Fucking hate hay fever" you mutter bitterly to yourself while taking a pack of half used tissues out of your pocket to blow your nose.

"Me too" the black haired man in front of you agrees while he turns around and flashes you a hesitant smile.

You chuckle slightly, not really expecting a reply and look down at your tissues, eventually taking one from the packet and blowing your nose.

"Phil" he says proudly and out stretches his hand towards you causing you to gulp slightly.

You gulp down the sudden rush of anxiety that has arose from him simply wanting to shake hands.

"(Y/n)" you try to reply just as confidently while putting your tissue in your pocket but your voice wavers as you shake his hand.

"Nice to meet you" he flashes you another small smile while allowing his hand to fall back to his side.

"You too" you reply with an equally small smile and look into the taller mans eyes.

The woman behind the counter clears her throats arrogantly while rolling her eyes at how oblivious Phil is to the old lady walking away.

"Oh, sorry" he stutters slightly causing his cheeks to go red while he faces the brunette cashier.

"What are you here for?" She asks in a pissed off tone as Phil rummages about in his pocket trying to find something.

"Hay fever medicine" he says almost triumphantly, raising the prescription note in the air and eventually setting it down in front of him.

The brunette raises her eyebrow at him as she reads the note and gradually turns to get his medicine.

"That wasn't awkward" you comment in a teasing manor while Phil nods his head in agreement.

"£9.95" Phil nods and pulls a ten pound note out of his pocket while the cashier slides a package towards him.

They exchange items, Phil cheerily says goodbye to the cashier and walks out of the building.

"What can I do you for?" The cashier asks in the same pissed off voice.

You awkwardly passed a scrunched up piece of paper over to the brunette.

"Ah. Okay" she nods towards you and grabs the same box she had gotten Phil.

"£9-" before she even tells you the price you practically shove a ten pound note into her face.

"Thanks" she says bitterly and takes the money after sliding you the small box containing your hay fever medicine.

You stuff the box into you bag and turn on your heel and quickly walk to the door.

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