Filthy frank//rats❥

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"You're not storing dead rats in our freezer George!" You yell, batting the bag of dead rats away from you.

"Babe please, it's only this once. I don't like it either." He pleads as he grabs your hand.

"If any of your rats touch my food I'll cut your testicles off. Okay?" You smile as you pull your hand away.

"Thank you so much. I promise they won't, I'm buying a mini fridge soon to keep them in" he says as he opens the freezer door.

"Fridges and freezers are different, dickhead" you chuckle as he puts the bag full of rats in.

"Dead rats are dead rats" he shrugs his shoulders and closes the door.

"One of these days I'm going to get food poising" you sigh as you walk into the living room.

"How can I make it up to you?" He asks as he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you into him. The smell of his normal cologne engulfing you, invading your nostrils and becoming the only thing you can smell.

You melt into his arms, a lazy smile etched onto your face, you were finally happy. You feel safe in his arms, suddenly all your anger fades away and you begin to see it all as an overreaction.

"You could play me one of your songs" you smile, sliding down onto the sofa.

"Like a pink guy song?" He teases, walking towards the room the two of you shared.

"Don't start" you roll your eyes and pull one of the many pillows on the sofa onto your lap.

You run your fingers over the embroiled Japanese lettering in the cushions.


Joji comes back with his ukulele, sits next to you on the sofa and kisses your cheek.

"What song would you like ma'ma?" he says with a sly smile while he holds his ukulele in a comfortable position.

"The ukulele version of you suck Charlie?" You request as you put the pillow back.

"I should've guessed" he shakes his head, chuckling a little.

You sit there with rosy cheeks waiting for your boyfriend to start.

He clears his throats and plays the first chord.


Baby, she never speaks to me.

I never see you, I never see you, I never see you, I never see you anymore.

Baby, can you be a little stronger.

Baby, because I need a little longer.

You're an earthy comfort, yet so divine, yet so divine, I never see you anymore.

Baby, can you be a little stronger.

Baby, because I need a little longer.

Baby, let me see you, let me see you, I never see you anymore.

He gulps nervously and puts his ukulele down on the coffee table next to you.

"You've got such a beautiful voice" you say, Joji's face lights up at the compliment.

"You really are something special" he beams as he moves closer to you so he can wrap his arm around your waist.

"I love you George" you kiss his cheek.

"I love you too" he smirks and softly kisses your lips.

This one's a bit messy,
I really enjoy writing these so make sure to leave some
feedback :)

I also haven't double checked the lyrics

See you next time :)

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