Pewdiepie// birthday✯

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"I'm home" Felix calls as he pushes open your bedroom door.

"Cool" you reply nonchalantly.

"I've got your birthday present" he comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist.

"What is it?" You smile as you turn to face him.

"She's in the living room, let's got" he grins as he takes your hand and pulls you out of your room.

Did he get me a prostitute?

"if its something weird...." you protest as you both stumble down the stairs.

"you're going to love me even more"  he chuckles as you get to the bottom of the stairs.

"who said I loved you in the first place?" you wiggle your eyebrows and smirk.

"ouch" he holds his chest and walks into the kitchen that's adjacent to the living room. 

"Felix I swear to god if-" you're cut off by an adorable yelp.

"Happy birthday baby" he grins as he walks in with a baby husky in his arms.

"Don't play around with me, did you actually buy her?" you question and take the husky gently in your arms.

"no, I rented her for the day" he replies sarcastically.

"what if she doesn't get along with Edgar and Maya?" you raise an eyebrow at him and continue to stroke the dog causing it to let out a low pitch whine.

"she's been playing with them for the past few hours" he informs you as he nudges the kitchen door so you can see Edgar and Maya wrestling with a chew toy.

"what shall we name you?" you question the dog as you look into its crystal blue eyes.

jessie? ew no. melvin? nooo. calvin? nope. alex? maybe.

"LET ME PUT PEANUT BUTTER ON HER NOSE!" Felix yells as he runs off into the kitchen to get the peanut butter.

peanut? I like it.

"you're not molesting my dog Felix" you laugh as you walk over the sofa and sit down.

"just let me put it on her nose," he whines and walks in with a jar of peanut butter.

"peanut" you interject while placing the dog down next to you.

"what?" he questions and sets the jar and spoon down on the side.

"her names peanut" you smile and rub her head.

"Wow! so edgy..." he rolls his eyes and chuckles.

"filthy frank wannabe" you mutter under your breath and return your attention to the dog.

"if it wasn't your birthday I would've punched you for that" he jokes while he returns the jar back to the kitchen.

"not only is pewdiepie a racist but he's a woman beater too" you gasp, smacking the sides of your face causing peanut to bark in protest.

"come here" he grins as he jogs over to you.

"don't hit me" you flinch jokingly as he sits down next to you (peanut still in-between).

"happy birthday again" he smiles and leans over the dog to hug you.

"thank you" you hug him and kiss him on the cheek.

peanut squeaks as she jumps down of the sofa, running towards the kitchen.

" look what you did" he points at the grey husky as she pounces on Edgar.

"I hate you" you shake your head at him.

"I hate you too" he grins and kisses you softly on the lips.

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