Herotictv//new girl ❧

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lil chink @herotictv

new girl at school is buffffff 👀

Gonna smash that.

  583 retweets           827likes                         

"what a fuckboy" you whisper to yourself as your scroll through your twitter feed. 

You recently just moved to a new school since your parents got divorced.

You've always secretly preferred your mother so when she said that she was moving to London you jumped on the chance to move with her.

Its been two weeks since you've moved from Manchester and you've only just started school.

Talking to people was never really your thing so when a boy called William asked "what's you snap chat?"

You bowed your head and told him that you "don't have any social media".

That was a lie, you have probably every social media platform there was.

So, when a particular half Asian boys twitter came up in your recommended you thought it would be easier to stalk his twitter than talk to him.

You take in a long breath and type your reply to will's tweet since you were the only new girl at that damn school so it had to be about you.

fuck you @clearly0riginal

I wouldn't touch you with a ten inch pole, love X

Don't talk to me again at school.

39 retweets            568 likes

As the countless notification's being to pour in you check herotic's profile to see if he had wrote another tweet.

He hadn't and his most recent tweet had been deleted leaving you with a tweet of him saying:

lilchink @ herotictv

I would fuck Tana Moungeau with an ak47, my finger taped to the trigger

23 retweets            482 likes       

"pussy" you mutter while you tap various places on your screen so twitter would no longer send you notifications.

You look down at your messages icon to be greeted with a small number two hovering over it.

it's probably another message off brad asking if I'm doing okay.

You press on the screen and surly enough one of the messages were from brad.

rape XD and fuck off

Oi dickhead

How are you getting on at your new school?

Don't leak this...

I can't have people knowing I'm nice.

       fuck off Bradley

i'm getting on fine

lots of fuck boys called William

lol i'll get keem to dox you.

was herotic's tweet about you?

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