Braddoesbanter// trainⒶ

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You carelessly shove your earphones in and scroll through your music, eventually picking a song.

Dreaming with our eyes open - witt lowry.

You tap your foot impatiently as you wait for your train to arrive.

You never usually travel alone, public transportation gives you bad anxiety and one of your friends are usually there to calm you down.

Two boys with brown hair stumble out of the staircase next to where you're sat making you jump.

You roll your eyes and look away from the pair as they scavenge to find seats.

Your music's on full yet you can still hear the two shouting.

"who ate all the pies?" the taller brunette shouts, you turn your attention back to the pair as they're more entertaining than your music.

"who ate all the pies?" the smaller boy continues as the two of them draw nearer to you.

"you fat bastard, you fat bastard" the two of them jump up and down on the spot while shouting in unison.

"you ate all the pies" a third brunette boy erupts from the staircase, again, scaring the shit out of you.

"Billy!" the smaller of the two greets the chubby boy in a thick northern accent.

"Brad" the chubby brunette replies nodding his head at them.

"connor" the tallest one says to himself since no one had said his name.

A gust of wind sweeps through the train station platform, messing up your hair as the train appears.

You check the time in your phone.


This is your train, you just hope to god that you don't have to sit next to anyone.

The trains doors slide open as the train comes to a halt.

"Is this our train?" Connor asks the others as he pulls out his train ticket.

"I think it is" Billy replies, leaning over Brad to get a better look at Connors ticket.

You roll your eyes at the trio while you place your earphones back into your ears and sling your bag over your shoulder.

You push through a crowd of younger teenagers till you find an empty carriage.

Since there's a four seat booth free you decide to fling you bag on one of the seats and sit in the corner seat.

"Billy, there's a free carriage over here" Connor shouts as he walk toward you.

"Oh shit, hi love" Connor smirks as he enters the carriage, finally seeing you.

"Hi" you nod your head dismissively towards him.

"My names Connor" he grins while he moves you bag to the floor and sits opposite you.

"(Y/n)" you reply as you start to feel uncomfortable.

"I thou-" Billy falls on the floor in front of you.

"Nice one dickhead" brad chuckles as he helps Billy up off the floor.

"Hello, I'm Billy" he sticks his hand out towards you.

"Her names (y/n)" Connor informs him as you shake his hand.

"Nice name" Billy smiles and sits down next to Connor.

"Ah, um. I'm brad" he nods his head towards you and sits down next to you.

Why are they sat here? There's more free seats? Shall I move?

"So, how old are you?" Billy asks while you take your earphones out.

"18, what about you guys?" You reply and stick them into you hoodie pocket.

"I'm 18, connor is 18 and brads 17" Billy nods towards the two boys.

"Brads a little baby aren't you" Connor teases and ruffles brads hair.

"Alright, we get it. I'm the baby!" Brad shouts and pushes Connor off him.

"Chubby baby" Billy teases and pinches brads cheeks.

"Fuck you guys" brad mutters and pulls his hood over his head.

"do you bully each other all the time?" You question, still laughing at Brad.


"Right cunt, truth or dare?" Connor points at you as he sits back in his seat.

"I'm not a pussy so dare." You wiggle your eye brows at the tall boy.

"Kiss Brad" Connor winks at you.

"What are we five?" You chuckle and look at billy waiting for them to give you another dare.

"I don't just let any random bitch kiss me" Brad shifts in his seat.

"Just fucking so it" Billy laughs.

"Brad said no, I'm not a rapist" you smirk and pull your phone out your pocket.

"All men are rapists" Connor shouts causing a few people to turn and stare.

"Do it or you have to lick under the seat" Billy Glares at you.

"Fuck that I don't want aids" you gag at the though of licking all the old gum down there.

"Whoa, woah, woah, slow down love" Brad warns as you turn to face him.

"Just shut up you nonce" you chuckle and softly kiss his lips.

You pull away and open your eyes to meet brads brown ones.

He leans in to kiss you again but you pull away and wink at him.

"Truth or dare?" You ask Billy while they all sit there, surprised by what you've done.

This is really shit but so is brads channel!
Woahhhhhh dickhead.

If this gets five votes by tomorrow I'll update everyday this week.

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