Imallexx//I still like youϟ

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Pyro: still coming today?

I don't know anyone

Pyro: Please, I'm sure you'll like them.

Fine but you owe me

Pyro: you know Alex. It'll be fine!


"Pyrocynical, I swear one day I'll get you" you mutter harshly while you brush your hair.

"Now, do I wear make up?" You question as you stare intently at yourself in the mirror.

"You look fine without it dipshit" Ilena , your current roommate interjects while she carelessly walks into your room.

"Thanks" you blush and nod your head lightly at the half compliment from her.

"And knock next time, I could've been naked" you say sternly as you watch the blonde make her way over.

"Why are you wearing a top that shows off your boobs?" She grins and sits down on the chair next to your mirror.

"I'm not" you scoff at her comment as your cheeks turn a light pink.

"Is Niall going to be there?" She teases and takes the hairbrush from you, running it through your hair.

"It is at his house..." you trail off and roll your eyes.

"Do you like Niall?" She asks while she continues to brush your hair.

"No, he's like a brother to me" you reply with a sigh.

Niall has been your best friend for a few years, you grew up together.

You went to the same schools, you live in the same neighbourhood and you see him almost everyday.

Anytime you were sad, he was there.

Pyro was honestly the older brother you'd never had.

"What time do you have to be there?" She asks while she removes the hairbrush from your now straight hair.

"One" you say while you begin to pick at your fingers as anxiety clouds your mind.

"It's twenty to one" she chuckles as she gets up and picks up your shoes, handing them to you.

"Thank you." You nod your head, put your phone in your back pocket and put on your shoes.

"Want a lift there? I have to leave for work soon" the blonde questions as she walks out of your room.

"Please" you respond as you follow swiftly after her.


"Drive me back home" you gulp as you pull up outside Niall house.

"Nope, get out and go get some dick" she grins and unlocks the car doors.

"I actually hate you" you chuckle and open your door, stepping onto the pavement.

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