Bamanboi // talk slow ♫

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A/n: I wrote this while listing to chateau by blackbear so it's prolly gonna be like the song.

The stench of fumes and alcohol was all you're able to smell as you make your way though the local university bar.

You pull down the bottom of your dress in fear of it being too high and rub your eyes.

Honestly, you had no idea why you were there, you rarely left your apartment.

You pull a bottle of perfume out your bag and hope to god that you don't still stink of weed.

It's for medical reasons, you try and reassure yourself but you know you're lying.

As much as you also wanted to deny why you were there you knew it all along.

You're heart broken and lonely, looking for affection in a careless fuck from a stranger you'd probably never see again.

Hungrily, your eyes scan the bar for someone that's looking for the same thing.


Sat alone at the edge of the bar is a boy with caramel hair, he aimlessly stared down into his pint and sighed.

You'd seen him around a few times but never really paid any attention to him.

"I'll have what he's having" the seat next to him is free so you decide to try your luck.

The barman nods his head and pours you a pint.

"Thanks" You beam up at him and wrap your fingers around the cold handle of the glass.

You take a quick swing and try your best not to cringe yet you still bring your head back in disgust.

Beer never was your thing.

"I'm more a martini guy myself" a calm voice comments as you set the drink down.

You chuckle and look up at the stranger with a smile on your face.

"(Y/n)" you extend your hand out towards him.

"Martin" he replied, slightly puzzled by the fact you'd put your hand out but he still shakes it.

"How come you're here alone, Martin?" You raise an eyebrow up at him and cross your legs in his direction.

"I could ask you the same thing" he chuckles and takes a gulp from his drink.

"Wanna play a game?" You softly bite your lower lip and trace you fingers over your kneecap.

"Maybe" he leans in closer towards you and sits his pint down.

"True or false questions but you've gotta take a shot of absteine every time you get it wrong" in all honesty you know that you won't last more than two shots.

"Bring it on" he says cockily yet he was nervous too, you're both still nineteen and drinking is still fairly new.

"True or false: I've been arrested before" you're slurring at this point, you've been playing this game for almost half an hour and you never were any good at reading people.

You'd moved to one of the small booths in the corner, martins arm was draped around the back of the seats. This other hand rested on the table, ready to take another shot.

Underneath the table your legs are tangled with his and your foot is rubbing the side of his leg.

"False, you're clearly a good girl" he smirks slightly when he finishes his statement.

"Take a shot , bitch" you wiggle your eyebrows and slide the small glass over to him.

"Fuck off" his mouth hangs open slightly, genuinely surprised that you'd gotten in to any form of trouble.

"Possession of weed, I didn't kill anyone" you rest your head on his shoulder and laugh as he knocks back his sixth shot.

His body stiffens slightly under your touch but he soon relaxes when he slips his arm from the back of the booth to your shoulders.

"Never had you pegged as a stoner" his fingertips start to slowly trace the outlines of your back.

"Your turn" you bite your bottom lip softly and look into the Norwegians (I FORGOT TO CHECK IF THIS IS CORRECT OOPS)eyes.

"True or false: I've been wanting to kiss you all night" Martin laughs softly and scratches the back of his head, regretting what he'd said.

Without a second thought your fingers are already laced into his collar pulling him closer to you.

He catches on and places his lips on yours. It was brief and to be honest you wanted more but you didn't want to ruin the moment.

You both pull away, Martin gulps as he looks into your eyes again. This time it was him pulling you closer.

Almost desperate as if your lives depended on it your lips tangled together.

Martin slips his rough hands around your body, one placed in your hair , resting on the back of your head and the other softly lays on your hip.

You softly run your tongue along his bottom lip, the kiss goes from foolish lust to a full on make out within seconds.

Pulling away panting, Martins hand has moved from your hip to your thigh and all you want to do is get out of here.

"Wanna go back to mine?" You look down at your lap in fear he'd reject you.

"I like you, it's not everyday a stoner in a black dress comes up to me and starts a conversation. I don't want just a quick fuck so if that's what you're after you've got the wrong guy" Martin gulps and removes his hand from your thigh.

"We could just watch a movie and drink more, if you'd like" you beam up at him, hopeful that he'd be okay with that.

"Well that depends" he leans closer to you again with a smirk plastered onto his face.

"On what" you tease as you lean in too, running your fingertips over his knee.

"What movie?" He raises an eyebrow and starts to laugh.

You slide out of the booth and take Martins hand in yours.

"Well it's trainspotting or fight club" you lead him out the bar with a smile on your face. It could've been the alcohol or maybe Martin was making you happy but something was different.

Needless to say by the end of the night Martin broke his own rule and you did more than watch a movie.


Ahah I like this but it's kinda awkward because I've tweeted back and forth with him so AH

anyway,,, next update will be jay swingler!

Requests are welcome

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