Leafyishere ♁ // dark intentions

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Warning: this contains graphic violence and language.

Authors note: listen to no meat-no man by KMFDM while reading.

It all happened so fast, but that's the way life goes, isn't it?

Just a blur of slightly mixed up images and events.

Just a blur of emotion, anger, hate, a blur that makes us do the worst things...

"You're crazy" Calvin stutters out as he places his head in his hands, still trying to come to terms with what just happened.

"Well, evidently you're crazier than I am" you smile softly at the panicking brunette and gesture to the bloody pile made of human sludge on the floor.

"Now, I know you're still in shock but we have to do something about this mess you've made" you cast him a sympathetic glance while a small pool of tears form in the palms his hands.

"Look, I'm not a murder... I'm a good person" he continues to cry causing your smile to drop.

"Oh cut the shit cal!" The table rattles as you bring your fist down on the cold steel slab.

"You made me do this" Calvin weakly pushes himself out of his chair and steps closer to you.

"Oh, so I held your hand, grasped the knife and slammed it into that mans chest twelve times?" You can feel the heat rise to your face as you yell, cringing after in fear that the neighbours heard you.

"No but-" Calvin flinches slightly at your outburst, this being the first time he's seen you like this.

"But nothing! You killed that man on your own. Stop blaming me for your problems" all you can feel is the warm touch of his breath trickling down your face.

"What am I supposed to do?" He turns around a slams his foot into the table, throwing it across the room causing it to bag against the garage door.

"Stop drawing attention to us!" You whisper harshly into his ear and Pull a pair of rubber gloves out of a nearby draw.

You carefully slip the plastic gloves on as Calvin sighs in frustration and sits back down.

"Pass me the saw" you demand in a cold tone while extending your hand towards the taller boy and raise an eyebrow at him.

"He's already dead, what else are you going to do to him?" The brunette becomes nervous as he picks up the saw, this fingers trembling noticeably.

"Do you want to get away with this or not?" You scowl crossly at him and squat cautiously on the floor next to the body.

"Yes but-"Calvin tries to argue with you but soon loses hope in arguing with you.

"Stop being a little bitch and get some gloves on" you grown and run your hands hastily through your hair.

"Okay, this is going to be okay" you turn around to look at the taller boy stood by the draw repeating the same sentence.

"Calvin! For fucksake get your shit together!" You start to yell at him again while he slips the gloves onto his fragile hands.

"What now?" He takes a deep breath in and squats next to you.

"We remove the head and hands" you say calmly while running your fingers over the puncture wounds in his neck.

"What the fuck" Calvin mutters to himself as you take the saw place it against the victims neck.

"Do you want to do this alone?" You almost screech at the boy next to you and press the saw roughly into its neck.

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