Iamcyr// dead☫

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"no (y/n) don't do it!" I screamed as her fragile body hit the floor.

I was too late, if only I'd ignored Edwin this morning and gone straight to hers.

crimson liquid poured out of the wound in her head, she lay there, only just alive.

Her eyes lost their sparkle as her body twitched on the floor.

I don't really know how else to say it, this wasn't pretty, her death shouldn't be romanticised.

Her tear stained cheeks drained of colour.

"baby please stay with me" I cried as I dropped to my knees next to her lifeless corpse.

its pretty obvious that I wouldn't get a reply but I waited for one nonetheless.

"why would you do this?" I choke on the words as they leave my throat

"I love you so much, what am I supposed to do?" her blood began to soak into my jeans.

I pulled out my phone and dialled 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" the operator asked.

"she's dead... my fiancés dead" I began to cry even more as the words left my mouth, the situation still seeming completely surreal.

"what's your address? an ambulance will be there shortly" she replied, panic clear in her voice.

"39 echo avenue" I mutter out while I take her hand in mine, It was still warm I wasn't sure if that was due to the blood or my sweaty palms but it was warm.

"alright sir, an ambulance should be there soon" she tried to calm me down but I don't think any one would be calm in that situation.

"she's already gone, what's the point anymore?" at this point I was past breaking, I was free falling through my own mind but I was completely lost.

I looked up at her, the right side of her face was ruined to say the least.

"I thought you were finally happy, I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you when you were at your worst but what you didn't see to realise is that you're my everything(y/n). I don't know how I'm going to live without you, I want to spend my life with you, I want to start a family with you, I want to grow old with you... I wanted to do so much with you." the tears began to make my cheeks burn but as long as I was with her then I didn't care.

"why did you do this? didn't you love me back? why didn't you tell me? is this my fault?" my lungs felt as though they were caving in on themselves, punishing me for not being here to protect her.

I heard the front door being ripped open and paramedics busted through the door.

"where is she?" I heard a voice call.

"up here" I managed to choke out, I swear to this day that I die in that moment.

I couldn't breath, my hand was still in hers, I smiled to myself at the thought of being somewhere like paradise with her.

Any moment with her after that would have been considered paradise.

A paramedic threw himself next to me and began to push down on my chest.

I felt extremely light headed as I took in a sharp breath, I wasn't going to die, I wouldn't be with her again.

"I haven't got a pulse" one of the men said, obviously trying to imply they could bring her back.

we all knew she was gone.


It was her funeral last week, they found a note on her pillow next to a polaroid picture of the two of us.

she wrote about why she did it, she wrote that it wasn't my fault, it wasn't anyone's fault.

she said that she loved me and that she was sorry that she had to leave.

The world wasn't the right place for her, the world is mean, the world is cruel.

A girl like her was too pure for a world like this.

Shed saved money somehow, she wrote about how is should go to Rome, explore the world like I've always wanted to.

It wouldn't be the same without her but I wasn't going to ignore her last request.

speaking at her funeral was one of the hardest things I've have ever done, the first is letting go but my mind never seems to be able to comprehend what happened.

I didn't say enough at her funeral, though what I did say somehow expressed how I was feeling.

" Albert Einstein once said that the only reason for time is so everything doesn't happen at once. Time, Time has taught me a lot of things. what you love can soon become what you loved in the blink of an eye. The fear of time is something that will forever remain present in my mind. Time, time is something that I will never get to spend enough of with you. you were too good for this world and we knew it. we took you for granted and were only just realising what we had now because time, is running away from us." I remember saying it, I didn't feel anything

Ever since you left I haven't felt a thing.

I love you endlessly.

I promise well be together again soon.

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