Nfkrz ツ // let me help you

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"This isn't healthy" you stutter nervously while you try to explain to the Russian boy and pick up empty wine bottles off the floor.

"I don't care" he argues drunkenly while aggressively kicking his legs out like a child.

"Well I do" you snap at him and turn away so he can't see the distress currently plastered all over your face.

"I'm still in love with her" Roman says in a disappointingly sad tone and sets a bottle of gals drank beer down on the table.

"You shouldn't mix your alcohol" you clench your jaw as you ignore his statement while you continue to clean the apartment.

You can feel your heart begin to pick up in speed as you feel a painfully tight pull in your chest.

"Would you rather I feel like shit?" He slurs aggressively when taking another messy sip from his half drank bottle.

"Would you rather I just not bother with you anymore?" You try to bite back any tears that come to your eyes as you talk.

"Oh come on, Don't be like this" he sighs in annoyance and rubs his eyes as you continue to clean the apartment.

"Fuck you Roman, all I've done is look after you" you shove the last bottle into the bag, surprised that it didn't break and drag the bulging bag out of the room.

"All you've done is give me a headache" the Russian argues as you slam the bag into recycling bin.

"That's all I am to you? A Fucking headache!" You shout angrily and storm into the living room try your best not to break anything.

"Look, I didn't mean it like you're just jumping down my throat all the time" he spits at you while you stand in front of him with your fists clenched.

"Woah. Fuck you, Roman" your eyes begin to tear up as you kick the table in front of him causing him to jump slightly.

"I haven't even done anything wrong" the brunette boy continues to argue back as you turn around and walk out the room.

You ignore his comment and quickly pick up your phone off the side.

You fling your bag carelessly over your right shoulder and sigh slightly when it hits your back.

"Where are you going" Roman questions protectively while you walk out your room and head for the front door.

"I have a date" you smirk weakly as you wipe a stray tear away from your face and grab the door handle.

"With who?" Roman growls in a shockingly aggressive manor and staggers towards you slightly as he tries to keep his balance.

"Niall" you grin sadistically at the drunken boy as his once prominent smile falls from his face.

"Niall wouldn't do that" he clenches his jaw and puts one foot in front of the front door to try stop you from leaving.

"Maybe I'm lying. It could be cal" you bite your lip slightly and twist the door handle while pulling it towards you.

It moves slightly but Roman blocks it with his foot and rests his shoulder on the door to block it completely.

"You're not meeting Calvin" he narrows his eyes and gulps as you rolls your eyes at him.

"Why not?" You suck your teeth and take a step closer to Roman while staring him down.

"He's an asshole, he's just going to use you like he's done with everyone else" Roman continues to moan about Calvin but it's really not making a difference in your mind.

"Maybe I want to be used" you wiggle your eyes brows and push his foot away from the door with yours.

"That's not how you should be treated" the Russian boy says dominantly while taking a step towards you.

Like you cared anyway

Now you're chest to chest and looking into each others eyes, you can feel his warm breath trickle down your neck.

As you stand there you forget what to say, being close to Roman always made you lose your train of thought.

You shake you head as you remember what you were going to say.

"Drop the act Roman, you never really cared" you smile slightly as you see a look of hurt wash over his face in replace of sternness.

"You don't think I care?" Shivers roll down your spine as he places his large hands on the small of your back.

"I don't think you don't, I know you don't" you stutter out as one of his hands begin to slowly travel up your back.

"You have no idea how I feel about you" his eyes seem to flash a darker colour as the taller boy leans close to you and places a soft kiss on your neck.

"I thought you were still hung up on.." you try to make sense of the situation but Roman silences you by placing a kiss on your lips.

You don't fight him, you should've but it would be a lie if you'd said you never thought about kissing him.

"She was always my distraction when I found out about you talking to Calvin" he mutters into your neck as he suddenly pulls your body closer to his.


"I can't do this to cal" you mange to push yourself away from the Russian as you pull your phone out of your pocket.

16 miss calls from cal

I'm outiside, where are you?

It's been fifteen minutes.

Fuck this I'm going to Haley's

"maybe I can do this to cal" you say as you slide your phone back into your pocket, practically jumping on the taller boy as you wrap your arms around him.

Roman looks confused as you place your lips softly onto his but he doesn't question it as he kisses you back.

"you have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that" he says breathlessly as you look into each other's eyes.

"You stink of alcohol" you laugh to yourself as a smile slowly creeps onto the Russians face.

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