Maxmoefoe ☞//help

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You stumble into the kitchen with tears pouring down your face and slam your keys down on the counter.

You kick the door shut and run into your bedroom.

"Oh god, what have I done?" You cry into your pillow as you look over the text messages.

You choke on your breath while you panic.

"I can't let him go" you whimper as you click on his contact.

The phone rings three times before he picks up "George?" You stutter out between breaths.

"What?" He huffs, almost making you regret calling but you carried on talking.

"I don't mean anything I said, I love you so much. I don't care if you go out with the boys every night, please don't leave George, please take me back" you break down and throw your pillows off your bed.

"You're so cute, it's almost pathetic how you crawl back to me every time" he chuckles, you hear him exhale out with a satisfied sigh.

"Are you smoking weed right now?" You hesitated before asking the question because you already knew the answer.

Of course he is.

It usually chills people out but it dose a reverse on George.

"Maybe" you could hear the shit eating grin that's planted on his face, you could see him sat there in his room with a girl on his bed as he takes a drag while they laugh about your pathetic attempts at getting him back.

"There's a song about you in the new pink season album by the way. It's called she's so nice" He sucks his teeth and you can hear faint laughter in the background.

"George, are you coming to bed?" a familiar voice called on the other end of the line.

"Are you joking? My best friend! After we break up you sleep with her?! You know what! I'm done, two can play at that game." You hiss and end the phone call with an angered scream.

You howl as your lungs begin to burn from the crying.

Fuck him

You open your contacts and call the only person that you knew would be helpful in this situation.

"Hello, (y/n)?" He answers the phone with a slight yawn and upbeat tone.

"George and I broke up. He's sleeping with dash" you cry down the phone as you begin to feel dizzy.

"I'm coming over with some pizza, be strong for me okay?" You can here him shuffle around as he heads to go out.

"Thank you, max" you smile as you walk over to your wardrobe.

"See you soon" he replies gleefully and ends the call.

What am I doing?

Am I really going to use max like this?

"No" you exhale sharply as your breathing begins to stabilise.

Somehow, you make your way over to your sofa without falling over.

You place your frail figure on top of the soft frame, pulling a pillow into you as you do.

You just pull your knees up to your chest and wail.

Memories of your relationship with George begin to flood your mind like something had sprung a leak in your mind.

The first time you'd told each other you loved each other was one of the happiest days of your life.

When he met your parents...

The first time he sang to you, the first time you broke up, the dance you did as you got back together and now another argument resigned along your collection.

You trace your fingers and feel a familiar pattern that used to bring you so much happiness.


You scream again and throw the pillow as far away from you as possible.

Small yet hesitant knocks can be heard from you front door "(y/n)?".

"Coming" you hiccup out, the last of your tears still glistening on your cheeks.

Trying to maintain your breathing seems impossible as you twist the door handle.

A tall, concerned, Australian man stands outside your door witch a box of pizza and some blankets in his arms.

You weakly smile up at him and allow him to enter your apartment.

He sets the box and blankets down and opens his arms out to you "come here, princess".

"I've fucked up max" you throw yourself into his embrace and the tears start to flow again.

"Wanna tell me what happened?" He asked although it seems more like an order.

"I told him how I felt about him going out with his friends and never having time for me" you continue to cry onto the tallers chest.

"Didn't we have this conversation last time?" Max pulls away and looks down into your eyes.

"But he promised this time" you squeal as he takes your hand while leading you to the sofa.

Max simply hums in reply as his fingers carefully fumble through your messy hair.

A few minutes pass as the two of you stay in comfortable silence.

"Would you go back to him?"

"Max, stop it" you giggle as he brushes his infers tenderly over your ribs.

"Make me" He raises an eyebrow at you as he continues to tickle you.

You suck your teeth and gulp as you look into his eyes.

Fuck it

You pull his shirt towards yours and connect your lips.

He doesn't kiss back at first due to how surprised he was but soon enough he returned the action.

You pull away and laugh softly as a purple blush rubs across the brunettes cheeks.

"Thank you" you look him in the eyes and give him another hug, almost taking him down as you arms wrapped around him.

"For what?" He questions with a confused look settling on his face.

"For showing me that he's not worth it" your top lip begins to quiver as you remember why max was here in the first place.

"You deserve better than him" he slips his fingers under your chin and places another soft kiss on your lips.

You blush as Max's phone starts to buzz.

Your eyes examine his screen and read the name presented on it.


You quiver slightly as max leans over to pick up his phone but to your surprise he declines the call.

"I'd rather be with you anyway" he winks playfully as his fingers begin to trace your ribs again.

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