Filthy frank ♔//strangers

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The purple lights bounced down from the ceiling onto the floor , painting the room in a purple light.

The bitter smell of alcohol, sweat and desperation lingered in the air.

Hesitantly, he laid his eyes on your delicate frame but looked away in fear of getting caught.

"There she is" he stuttered out to the long haired man sat next to him, he almost didn't hear his friends panic.

You turned around and looked across the room, your glance connected with his.

You gulped and felt tears rim your eyes causing your vision to blur.

You quickly looked away and dipped into the crowd of people, desperate to be out of his sight.

George felt empty while he tried to steady the shaking hand that held his drink.

"We can leave if you want" the brunette reassured the other with a warm smile.

"No, it's fine" George almost choked as he replied but he chose to ignore his anxiety.

The feel of his heart almost beating out of his chest was the only thing he could seem to focus on.

Finally, the reason that he even attended this party began to play.

George smiled as the soothing sound of soft piano tiles drifted into the clubs speakers.

I've got knots all up in my chest

George let the feeling of triumph wash over him as he saw the people around him react to the song.

Just know I'm trying my best

"I'm gonna do it" Joji informed max, although it really sounded like he was asking himself for permission.

"Are you sure that's a good idea, dude?" He replied , his thicc Australian accent filled with concern.

"One hundred percent sure" almost certain but not quite, he anxiously made his way over to you.

Cause when you look

As he walked through the crowded mess of people; the melody he worked on for months was the only thing keeping him grounded.

When you laugh

Just like you knew he'd be looking for you, you scouted through the crowd for him.

When you smile

Almost instantly your agile eyes finally met his weak stare and you felt like everything stopped

Bring it back

Time seemed to slow down as you made your way over to him.

He gulped and met you halfway through the crowd of blurred faces.

Now I'm sad

"Hello" you beamed up at the taller man ore, you'd forgotten how attractive he was.

"Hey" he replied and took a step closer towards you causing your body's to only be a few centimetres apart.

The awkward exchange of a simple a few towards already started to make the place more intimate.

And I'm a mess

"This is beautiful" you commented on George's song but he seemed confused for a moment.

"Oh, yeah. Thank you" he awkwardly shuffled his feet to try hide his embarrassment.

Every time he wrote a song he used to play it you, hearing it secondhand through speakers felt wrong.

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