By jay swingler//explore♛

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"I don't want to go in" Jess complains as you both approach the picturesque building.

"You don't have to come in with me" you smile sarcastically at her and stop outside the back doors.

"so you're just going to leave me out here in the cold?" Jess continues to try to convince you to stay outside with her.

"I gave you the choice of coming with me" you scoff and try push the door to see if it would open.

The door wouldn't budge, it had to be bolted shut on the other side or something.

"looks like we have to go home now" jess laughs nervously as she checks to see if there are any people around.

"get fucked" you yell in frustration and kick the door with the bottom of your foot as hard as you can.

no movement.

"(y/n), I think its time you stop trying" she warns while taking a few steps backward towards the car.

"oh just fuck off you pussy" You sigh angrily and kick the door again but somehow even harder than before.

The door moves backward slightly, allowing some light to flood into the building.

"you really think that it's a good idea to break into an old hotel?" Jess questions as she takes place next to you, giving up on convincing you to go.

"I don't see a problem" you comment and kick the door a third time hearing a satisfying break.

The door swings open to reveal a room that looks like it's been newly decorated.

"I do!" jess counters as you take a step inside of the enchanting room.

"fuck off then, it's simple!" you allow your anger to get the best of you, something it does often.

"I'm just trying to help you stay out of trouble" she sighs dejectedly and joins you in the untouched room.

"trouble can't stay away from its self" you smirk and pull your torch out of your backpack.

"that makes no sense" she comments in a confused tone and takes her torch out too.

"yes, it does." you say and shine your light around the room, looking for things that could be of value.

"You're an actual retard" Jess laughs as you trip over a coffee table.

"fuck up" you hiss defensively while lying down lifelessly on the cold white tile floor.

"Do you need help or are you just going to lay there?" Jess empathetically outstretches her hand towards you.

"I'm good here, mate" You continue to lie there and admire the chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

What if it falls on me? Jess better get that on camera.

"you're hopeless" She laughs at you and sits down on one of the burgundy leather sofas.

"Oi, you're hopeless" You pretend to be offended and roll over on your side to face away from your friend.

"oh real mat-"

There was a loud crash coming from one of the rooms upstairs cutting Jess off mid sentence.

A loud ear splitting scream could be heard as more thumps could be heard from the upstairs rooms.

"What th-"

This time it was you that cut Jess off by raising your index finger up towards her, signalling her to be silent.

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