Pyrocynical // party

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This is TWO YEARS OLD wow like JESUS I really need content. I'm so sorry for uploading old works but I'm working hard on my Zuckles & imallexx chapters!


"You look like you need this" A caramel haired boy that looks like he's in his early twenties says slyly as he hands you a drink.

The atmosphere at the party seemed to make the offer look like it should be something normal,but in reality, you couldn't feel more uncomfortable.

"Thanks?" you reply hesitantly and take the drink from him, keeping your guard up from the stranger.

"It's not drugged, I promise" he chuckles in a thick accent and takes a sip from his cup. Comedy was always his way of getting a girl to talk.

"You never know" you smirk nervously, still unsure on why he's talking to you as if you've been friends for years.

"What's your name?" He asks and steps towards you, moving a little closer to you than expected.

"(Y/n)" you answer him in a submissive tone and gulp as you look into his eyes. They're a unique murky colour that you instantly recognise, they're the same colour as your mother's were.

"What's yours?" You somehow manage to choke out and stare down into your drink as you feel your cheeks flush, you never were good in social situations.

"Niall" he grins while closing the gap in between you too leaving your hips to carefully touch.

You smile at him and stand there in awkward silence, the background music was the only thing making it bearable.

"What's a girl like you doing all alone at a party like this?" He questions in a genuine tone as you allow your eyes to finally meet his.

"My friends are probably pissed and wrapped up around some dude they'd only just met" you sigh, eventually trusting him enough to take a sip from the plastic red cup.


"How old are you?" He chuckles at your comment and finally breaks eye contact with you that seemed to last for hours.

"17, you?" You reply and take another cautious sip from the drink he gave you.

"19" Niall replies as his eyes start to trail all over your body.

A crowd of people start to make their way towards the living room, the majority of them pushing each other over.

"Yo bitch, we're playing spin the bottle" your friend Steph yells obnoxiously as she takes your hand and drags you to the middle of the room.

You're left dissatisfied as your eyes scan the room for Niall but you can't seem to find him.

Why are you even looking for him?

It takes around ten minutes but by the time everyones sat down there's a good thirty people sat patiently in a circle.

You have your friends either side of you since you didn't know anyone else and you didn't want to sit next to a random stranger.

"Who wants the spin first?" Austin asks in a slurred voice as he steps into the circle, bottle in hand, like usual.

This is how party's always go at Austin's.

"The host should go first" your friend smirks up at him. Austin nods his head and sits down with everyone else.

Luna places his hand on the bottle and spins it. Everyone's eyes follow the fluorescent  green bottle until it stops on someone.

Calvin, the bottle landed on Calvin.

"fuck this" Calvin mumbles under his breath.

"Pussy" Nick shouts angrily from the other side of the circle.

"Fuck you, crackhead!" Calvin yells in response to nicks outburst.

"Just do it" Daniel shouts, already growing  bored of Calvin.

Calvin sighs and leans forward, Luna does the same. Calvin's hand slides up Luna's arm and rests on the back of his head. Austin leans into Calvin to deepen the kiss.

"This isn't seven minutes in heaven!" Ian scoffs aggressively as the two boys begin to make out.

Calvin pulls away, his cheeks flush a deep red and Austin does the same.

"Well that was... interesting" zoie says with a grin on her face.

" Shut up, you gave John scarce the clap" Keemstar yells at the cheaply dressed blonde e-girl.

Calvin takes the bottle and spins it, as you watch it go round you notice a pair of eyes resting on you.


You look back at him enchanted by his stare, he smirks at you and winks. In reply you scoff and roll your eyes as the bottle lands on, you...

"I'm going to kill myself" you sigh in disgust and swallow hard, the thought of kissing Calvin making you feel sick.

"I'm offended" Calvin smirks in a seductive tone and licks his lips.

"You should be" you reply and roll your eyes at him.

"Just kiss the green cunt" Niall yells while looking directly at you, not actually believing you'll do it.

"Fine" you smirk, looking Niall in the eyes before you lean forward and meet Calvin in the middle of the circle.

You lean in and your lips crash together. Calvin closes his eyes and slides his tongue across your lip. You keep your eyes open and look at pyro as he clenches his jaw.

You feel Calvin's hand begin to travel up your thigh. You continue you look at a now slightly pissed off Niall as you bring Calvin's hand all the way up your thigh.

You pull away and wink at Calvin, crawling back to your place in the circle.

"I'm just going to go to the toilet" you mumble to the friend on your right as Calvin sits back down in his spot.

Pyro looks at you with a confused expression, you just stick your tongue out at him in response.

You walk out of the living room and up the stairs, you get to the top and wait in the landing ( some people don't know what it is, a landing is basically a hallway).

Just like you expected, Niall came up the stairs seconds later following after you.

"Following me?" You tease and walk a little further down the landing.

"What? Me? No" he smirks in response, talking a step towards you.

"Sure" you grin, talking a step back.

"You're telling me you don't like the attention?" Niall continues to walk towards you with a suggestive look in his eyes.

"I'm not exactly complaining" you run out of room, your backs against the wall.

"So, you wouldn't mind if I did this?" Niall asks as he leans in a plants a soft kiss on your lips.

"I wouldn't mind if you did it again" you smirk as you feel one of pyros hands rest on your lower back.

"I'd hate to disappoint" Niall leans forward again and his lips connect with yours.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2018 ⏰

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