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Half an hour you think to yourself as you look at the time on your phone.

For half an hour I've patiently waited for a boy that I don't even know is real. this is probably Luna pulling another prank on me for shaving his dog Stella.

You step out into the street and you're greeted by cold rain falling onto your face.

The sound of cars filled with angry drivers, small crying children and teens messing around in the rain filled your ears.

You're currently on a blind date, well... waiting to be on a blind date with someone that your roommate Luna set you up with.

"fuck him" you scoff and turn off your phone, violently shoving it into your pocket.

"(Y/n)?" A brown haired boy that's a couple inches taller than you taps you on the shoulder to get your attention.

"Calvin?" You say hesitantly while your eyes start to examine his facial features.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I went to the chai cinema instead of this one." He says awkwardly and scratches the back of his neck.

"its okay, so, how do you know Luna?" you ask as question, trying to catch him off guard.

"were in the same community in YouTube..." he trails off as if he's expecting you to know who he is.

"oh, I'm more off a cancer crew/hot wet soup type of girl so I don't tend to watch anyone else." you explain but you see his facial expression drop when you mention Youtuber's.

"what?" you ask, slightly worried that you'd fucked this date up already by bringing up the wrong subjects.

"I don't exactly get along with Idubbbz...." he mutters and solemnly looks at the floor.

"Then I won't talk about him, it's not that hard to do." you smile and continue to read his body language.

"Promise?" he jokes as he snaps back into a joyful mood.

"Only because you're paying for my drink since you left me in the cold for so long" you smirk, walking past him and holding the entrance door open.

"Am I now?" he raises his eyebrow and starts to follow you into the cinema.

"yeah, you are" you wink at him and walk into the building.

"Okay, damn" he chuckles and holds up his hands defensively.


"So, why did you come on this blind date? You're fairly good looking, you can do better than scumbags like me." he questions in a serious tone and taking a sip of coffee.

"believe it or not, I can't do any better" you chuckle while mimicking Cal's actions by taking a sip from your coffee too.

"and why is that?" he questions as you sit down with your popcorn in the premium seats that he'd paid for.

"Sh, the movies starting" you try to change the subject but you knew it wouldn't work.

"(y/n) it's the trailer's" he laughs as you try to shove popcorn into his mouth.

Youtuber x reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now