Pyrocynical // give up

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Warning: this is very poorly written as it's a two-year-old draft... I need content so read at your own risk. I'll be uploading a gbg one next to make up for my inactivity!

Prompt idea:
You're 16 & he's a teachers assistant at your school.

"look, people here are worried about you. You don't have to be like this. We can help." The school nurse says, placing her hand on yours trying to comfort you.

You sigh and lean back in the blue plastic chair that you have currently sat it. They always do this. You're sad, you've always been sad... no one really cares. You don't really care.

"It's been three months, STOP TRYING. I'm fine, give up. It. Doesn't. Matter." You stress while you bat her hand away. Your mood swings were getting worse and you didn't know how to handle it. You begin to pick at the chipped (f/c) nail varnish on your fingertips to distract yourself.

You look at the clock above the nurse's chair. 7:06, you're going to be late for first period.

"(Y/n)..." the nurse trails off with a fake impression of concern in her voice.

"It's nice that you care and all but I'm going to be late for first period" you huff as you push yourself up from the uncomfortable blue plastic.

You pick up your bag and walk out of the nurse's office, shutting the door behind you.

You fast walk into the toilets to check your appearance. You pull your hair back into a high ponytail. You take your eyeliner out of your bag and faintly outline your eyes.

When you're finally satisfied with your appearance you walk out the toilets. The hallways begin to become crowded. You hold your bag closer to you and push your way towards your classroom.


It's finally the last lesson, computing.
You're late, as usual. Your teachers stop caring by now. You walk into the room and send an apologetic smile toward your teacher. He sighs and nods his head towards your seat. You log into your computer and carry on work from the last lesson.

You can feel a pair of eyes resting on your back. You look over your shoulder.

A boy with caramel coloured hair was staring at you. You look into his eyes as he Carries on staring. He smiles at you and looks away. You feel a blush spread across your face. He looks a bit older, he's wearing a black top, black trousers and a leather belt. He looks pretty good. He must be the new teaching assistant.


You smile as you open the door to your room. It was quite a basic room, a double bed, a lamp, a desk, a computer and a chair.

It was better than most the other rooms in the school but you've paid for most of the stuff in your room, thanks to your YouTube channel.


Leafyisalesbian: is anyone awake? I can't sleepppp :(

Leafyisalesbian: guyssssss

(Y/n)istriggered: it's six here so I'm awake :)

Pyroisafurry: it's past your bedtime, you should be asleep.

(Y/n)istriggered: fuck you, leafy clone.

Leafyisalesbian: OH SHIT

Pyroisafurry: if I ever see you I'll fucking destroy you.

Dolandark: stop flirting! I'm trying to sleep.

(Y/n)istriggered: fuck you duck, go choke on pyros dick.

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