Onision ت// sockets

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"Fuck you Greg" you yell in anger as  blood continues to pour from your lip.

"You're actually a slut" He hisses dominantly and lunges towards you.

"We broke up!" You shout as you run though his living room and hide behind the nearest sofa.

"No we didn't!" Grey screams in frustration as he enters the living room and begins to look for you.

You hold your breath as he begins to get closer to where you are crouched and you back away slowly.

"For someone that usually has a lot to say you're awfully quite..." Grey teases sadisticly as he stands next to the sofa you're behind.

You look over your shoulder to see that his back doors open.

You quickly glance at Greg to see that he's still got his back turned to you, you take advantage of this and sprit towards the door.

"Shit" you whimper as you slip on the "welcome" mat placed in front of the exit.

"Nice one, retard" He chuckles cruelly as your body crashes harshly against the grass and neatly planted flowers.

Your breath shakes when you inhale and you clutch your head as a vicious pain begins to run through it.

"Aren't you going to say sorry for what you did?" Greg sniggers as he pulls your head up by your ponytail.

You shake your head and ignore him, Greg pulls your head up sharply them slams it forward.

Your head recoils and you squeal in pain at the sound of your nose cracking.

"Say sorry, hunny" he smiles menacingly as he slams your face against the ground again.

You bite your already bleeding lip as you resist the urge to cry, you're pretty sure that your nose is broken as red liquid starts to run from it.

"I didn't do fucking anything, you psychotic cunt!" You yell at him as he flips you around so you're facing him.

"Don't speak to me like that" Greg snaps at you and backhands you across the face.

Your wince in pain as a stinging sensation runs through all of your face.

You bite your tongue as you go to say something back to him but there's already a bruise forming on your cheek from his earlier hits and you don't want another.

"Just say you're sorry and we can go back to bed " he orders menacingly as he looms over you.

You don't reply, you just grit your teeth and look away from him.

Blood starts to stream down your chin and drip lightly against the grass.

"Look at me!" The black haired man screams in your ear causing you to jump.

You look around for an escape and your eyes land on the back gate, directly behind Greg.

You notice that his legs are open and again, take advantage of the situation.

You throw your leg up as fast as you can manage and slam your foot into  his crotch as hard as possible.

His face twists up as his knees clash together causing him to fall to the floor in pain.

You push yourself up and sprint hurriedly towards the back gate while blood starts to run into your mouth.

"Fucking bitch" Greg yells as he kneels on the floor, one hand still holding his crotch.

You smirk as you place you hand on the handle and pull down, but that smirk soon washes off your face as you realise that the gates locked.

"Fuck" you mutter to yourself as you look behind your shoulder to see Greg getting up off the ground.

Not again.

I can't go back to him.

You drat towards the back door and pull it shut behind you.

The second the door shuts he reaches it and starts to pull at the steal handle.

You groan as you struggle to keep the door closed, he's so much stronger you can't see yourself holding on for longer.

You give in and let go of the door while you turn on your heal as he pulls it towards him.

The door flys backwards and hits Greg's head causing him to recoil backwards, holding his head in his hands.

You run over to the set of draws pressed against the wall and pull open the top draw.

Greg has some weird domineering kinks which usually end up with you being hoisted up, you decide to use this to your advantage.

You grab some rope from the draw and turn around, Greg's finger tips are ghosting the handle.

You run up to the door and kick it as hard as you can, causing it to hit Greg's kneecap.

So you can give pain but not take it?

You're definitely the bitch.

You smirk as Greg hisses in pain, you find the end of the rope and begin to tie it round the door handle.

"Let me in, you evil bitch!" Greg yells in a frustrated tone as he screams while kicking and punching the door.

"I'll let you in when you're dead" you reply with a menacing grin painted on your lips as you finish tying the rope.

Greg runs his hands through his hair and furiously kicks the door until you're out of sight.

You tie the other end of the rope to the staircase and hope it doesn't break.

You waste no time and bolt towards the front door.

You quickly turn the corner, you can see the door.


As you sprint towards it a loud smashing sound can be heard from behind you.

You don't dare to turn around, you know that he's broken back into his house.

You twist the door handle and pull it towards you causing a cold breeze to hit your cheeks as the door opens.

"Don't you dare" The older brunette man yells at you while you dash out of the house and swing open your car door.

You throw yourself into the front seat of your car and pull the door back into the car.

You fidget around as you find to try your car keys.

You realise that they're in you're front pocket and quickly take the out.

You slam the key in to the ignition and press your foot down on the peddle.

You don't check if it's safe to go, you just looks straight forward and drive down the road.

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