Fitz // auto-fill⚡️

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KryozIsPapi & kwyloz ❤️❤️
Thank you for all the support!! I had a lot of fun writing this.

Just in case you didn't know:
Fitz - Cameron
Zuckles - Mason
Swagger - { I can't find his real name anywhere}
Racoon eggs - Ezra

"Oh fuck, who left auto fill on?" Fitz groans and clenches his jaw as an unknown username pops up on his screen.

"Sorry" Mason drags out the end of the word and cringes since he only had one job to remember.

One job that he forgot to do.

"Of course it was zuckles, he's a retard" swaggers voice booms down the mic, his offensive language being the only thing making you interested in staying.

You sit back in your chair and sigh, wondering why you actually kept joining random squads.

"I'm not a retard, retard" his thick Aussie accent sealed the deal. You decided to turn your mic on and join in.

"Nice come back, cumrag" swagger continues to laugh at your characters dance together in the pre-game lobby.

"I can leave if I'm not wanted" a grin plasters it's self onto your lips, you can tell it's going to be a fun match.

"Oh shit, it's a girl" Mason sat up in his chair and clears his throat as if you could see him.

"What's your name, sweetheart?" swaggers use of the word sweetheart already made you feel comfortable with the group.

"(Y/n)" you reply cheerily as the game starts to load into the actual arena.

"Guys, can you not be weird every time we meet a girl" Fitz shakes his head softly and smiles as the sound of your voice.

"It's called being endearing, it's cute Fitz, you should try it" swagger states smugly and takes another drag off his newly lit blunt.

"where are we dropping?" You wiggle about in your seat slightly as you wait for a reply.

"hopefully into my DMs, what's your twitter, honey?" Always quick with a reply, swagger smirks as he talks.

You chuckle quietly as mason basically starts howling at swaggers response.

"swagger!!" Fitz, on the other hand, was not so impressed, he playfully scolds the older man.

"no balls, tilted towers, boysss" zuckles jumped from the battle bus before anyone could object to his choice.

"okay but I'm going to the building I marked and if any of you fuckers steal my loot I won't be happy" you mark off one of the small corner buildings and Fitz marks the one next to yours.

"fuck, she bites" Mason laughs causing you to roll your eyes in response.

"You sure you'll be okay on your own?" Cameron's tone is soft and almost shy which contrasts weirdly with masons loud, outgoing comments.

"well, she is a girl so..." zuckles remarks slyly as your characters land on their marked locations.

"We must protect the lady" swagger exclaims loudly and begins to race through tilted towers with only a pistol.

How romantic

"Looks like Fitz beat you to it" zuckles says as the door to your building is opened.

"Hey! I was just in the neighbourhood and thought I'd drop by" he argues back while making his character dance in front of yours.

"shut up, I'll get more kills than all of you" you reply slyly and leave the building.

"bet" Mason says sarcastically.

"Five people left!" You smile happily as you and Fitz push up a hill in the middle of the circle.

"Watch us both get killed by a mobile player now" you laugh at his comment and start to build a base.

"Fucking hell, are we playing with ninja?" Zuckles jokes while spectating you as he died earlier on in the game.

"Oh fuck" Fitz groans as he gets downed by the last three players.

"Good one, jackass" you complain as you peak over the top of your base and somehow manage to land a headshot on one of them.

"I never thought she'd end up carrying us..." swagger says as you continue to fight the other players.

"Clutch it, clutch it" Mason almost chants as you knock another teammate, only one left now.

"Ah fuck he's gonna finish me" Fitz complains while you rush down to him.

"I've got you" you smirk cockily as you kill the final teammate, causing swagger to let out a shocked laugh.

"so, who got the most kills?" Your grin seems almost permanent as victory royal! #1 appears on your screen.

"Okay okay, you're good" Mason sighs in defeat as he looks at the kill ratios between the team.

"thank you, sir" you wait on the end game screen, not wanting to part from the group.

"Do you mind if I add you so we can maybe play again? If you're down for that, that is..." as if he read your mind Fitz sends you a friend request.

"Sure" you press the accept button and soon enough the others send you a request as well.

"Oooo Fitz, you player!" zuckles teases while laughing smugly at Fitz shyness.

"See you, boys" you shake your head and smile as you hold down on the return to lobby key.

"So it's okay for you to flirt with her but not me?" Swaggers voice is the last thing you hear before you leave the game.

A huge smile remains on your face as a notification appears at the top of your monitor screen.

Fitz has added you to a group chat with ten others!


Zuckles: really? Did you add the new girl after one match?

Swaggersouls: she was pretty good to be fair

Raccooneggs: it's fine, Fitz is only going to use her for click bait anyway.

You: I already feel so welcome

Fitz: you're saying that like she didn't just carry us & clutch a game


You smile softly and shake your head as messages continue to pour into the group chat.

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