Chapter 39: #WheresJoey

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[Joey's POV]

A few hours later, the plane landed in New York. I can't reverse going back and prevent this. Nope. As soon as I got out of the plane and out the airport, I began walking out and suddenly, a crowd a people walked right past me.

Oh yeah, I'm in New York.

I began walking and I was at a sidewalk.

I officially feel lost. Maybe I should've gone to Boston. Whatever.

I comtinued walking and I repeatedly looked at the signs. After walking probably a mile, I was in 44th street.

Yup, I should of gone to a place where I actually go often.

[Sawyer's POV]

Nicole: "Don't you think we should gather all his friends to go on a search for him?"

Sawyer: "That's a good idea, huh?" Nicole nodded.

I texted all of our friends (Meghan, Luke, Shane, Cat, Ingrid, Lisa, Tyler, etc..). I told them to come over for a bit because I have some news. They all agreed and would be here in a few.

I'm really worried about Joey. I don't think he would of gone like that. What if he was kidnapped? What if this was my fault? I shook my head.

Why would he leave?

[Joey's POV]

I arrived at a subway. I went on one, not knowing where it was headed to. I sat down on a seat next to a businesslady. I looked around at all the people on the subway. I looked down and looked at my phone. I had multiple texts from Sawyer, asking where I was. I wasn't going to reply, making me feel a bit bad.

The subway stopped and I got off. I walked up the stairs and realized the subway took me to Times Square. I smirked. I've always wanted to come here. I looked around, contemplating my surroundings. Lights flashing on store signs, streets filled with taxis and cars, sidewalks filled with busy people, so much commotion. Nearby, I could hear the ambulance and music playing.

I walked to multiple stores, not wanting to buy a thing. I can't spend my money. That's for when I go back to LA.

If I go back..What am I thinking? Of course I'm going back.

[Sawyer's POV]

Friends arrived minutes later. I told them the news that Joey was missing.

Cat: "I saw Joey yesterday at my house. Then at like, 12, he called me to meet him somewhere."

Sawyer: "Did he tell you anything?"

Cat: "He told me he loved me when he was at my house earlier."


Sawyer: "Cat.."

Cat: "I swear! I'm not lying!"

I stared straight in her eyes and I knew she was telling the truth. I started to get angry, annoyed even. What's in his head right now?

If I was Joey, what would have gone through my head. Why would I have left?

I think back to yesterday.

Meghan: "I think we should stalk his Twitter, Facebook, everything."

Luke: "I haven't seen him tweet anything."

Sawyer: "I'm sure he's not in LA, then.."

Shane: "Maybe he went to Boston."

[Joey's POV]

I was already at Central Park. I sat down on the grass, staring at the trees. It was so peaceful here. A nearby family was having a tiny picnic, a man was playing frisbee with a dog, so much was going on.

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