Chapter 40: "Were. Done."

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[Sawyer's POV]

Joey and I have either been hanging out or arguing over why he ran away to New York. Although we need to discuss this, he insists on just not telling me because it was a small flaw.

Sawyer: "So, you're telling me.. that having my heart in my mouth (A/N My mom says that a lot) is a small flaw? You think running away is a small flaw?"

Joey stayed quiet as he prepared his chicken salad. I stared at him.

Joey:"Arguing is pointless."

Sawyer: "But we have to talk about this."

Joey: "Just shut up with it!" My eyes widened "Y'know what, I'm going to Cat's for a bit. You're pissing me off." He walked out the door.

He's been acting stubborn about this subject lately. He was very happy after we got out of the airport, I dropped him off at Cat's, then he comes back pissed off with the smell of medicene. I asked him about it and he just waved it off.

Every night, he goes to the bathroom and drinks pills. Then he just stares at the mirror, smiles, and walks to the bed and falls asleep. I feel like something's going on.

[Joey's POV]

I stumbled over to Cat's front door. I knocked and placed my head on the door. I feel drowsy without the pills. Cat opened the door, inviting me in.

Cat: "You want more of it?" I nodded. "Sit down."

I walked carelessly over to the couch. I sat down and held my head. Cat came back holding a bottle of pills.

Cat: "Don't you think you're getting addicted."

Joey: "N-No." I shook my head. "I'm perfectly fine. Get me water."

Cat smiled and went to her kitchen.

Cat: "You thinking straight?"

Joey: "Not really."

Cat returned with a cup of water. She handed it to me and I put the pills in my mouth. I drank the water.

Joey: "I feel high."

Cat: "Have you argued with Sawyer?" I nodded. "A relationship with fights isn't a good one."

Is that statement even true? Maybe..

Joey: "What are you trying to say?"

Cat: "Break up with him."

I stared at her. Is that a good idea? I couldn't really think straight.

Cat: "Then after you do, you can be with me." She smirked. "We won't fight at all!"

My eyes closed and I rubbed my forehead. The back of my mind was telling me it was a horrible idea. I pushed the thought away and decided to go with it. If I think too hard, I'll have a headache.

Joey: "Fine."

I got up and shook my head.



We arrived at my place. I felt like falling to the ground. I walked over to the door and knocked. Sawyer opened it and hugged me tight. I just stood there.

He let go and I walked in.

Sawyer: "What happened?"

Joey: "Were, um, over." Sawyer stares at me and Cat walks in. She kissed me on the cheek.

Sawyer: "Uh, you're kidding right?" I shook my head.

Cat: "He's with me!"

Sawyer: "Joey, you're high."

Joey: "So you think I'm high now!? Just because I make a decision doesn't mean I'm high!" I looked at Cat, who was smirking.

Cat: "I'll be in the car." She left, leaving Sawyer and I alone.

Joey: "Bye, Sawyer."

Sawyer: "So you think you can run off like that with your future wife?! Then leave me in the dust like we were nothing!?"

I didn't know what I was saying at the moment.

Joey: "Yes!" I put on a smug look. "Were. Done."

I stormed out of the room and outside to the parking lot where Cat was standing.

Cat: "Done, baby?"

Joey: "Mhm." I smiled.

I kissed her on the lips and we both got in the car.

Cat: "Where we going?"

I feel high and I don't think I can drive. Am I stable?

The words that are coming out of my mouth arent making sense to me.

Joey: "Anywhere, baby. Anywhere."



Cat and I arrive at a small motel for the night. I don't know how I drove. I feel like passing out.


Next thing I know, I'm on a bed.

Cat: "I think this pill thing is going too far. You're not going to take an any tonight."

Joey: "Why not?"

Cat: "Joey, do you not realize your addicted to them? I didn't want that!"

I stared at her and stood up from the bed.

Joey: "I'm not addicted at all."

Cat: "Fine. I'm hiding them though."

Joey: "I'll find them."

I laid back down and fell asleep.


This was supposed to be up at 12, but unfortunately that didn't happen. -_- My internet went retarded thanks to the winter storm, Hercules.

Here's what's going on:

Joey is addicted to the pills Cat has been giving him. Joey doesn't really have a clear mind. Cat convinced him to break up with Sawyer (Sadly).

If you have any questions just comment.

Question of the Chapter: What do you think is on Cat's mind?


P.S- Thinking about school is hurting my brain.

P.P.S- I may be getting a case of Writer's Block: Ain't that shitty? '-'

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