Chapter 64: Don't Leave Me

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[Sawyer's POV]

**Two Months Later**

It's now August. I have to go on the plane to New York. I have my dorm and books ready for the upcoming semester. Joey looks at me with a sad look, but he continues to act happy.

"I'm so glad that you're continuing your dream as a photographer." Joey says, as I throw some clothes in my luggage. He picks them up and folds them, then places them back into the luggage properly.

"I know you're upset about it, though." I say. I toss in another shirt. Joey then picks it up and folds it. He puts it in the luggage.

"I am. I definitely am. But, I know this will turn out great for the both of us." He says. I sit down and he sits down next to me. He places a hand on my leg to keep it from bouncing. "It'll be fine. I've convinced myself and you have to convince yourself, too." He nods slowly.

"Okay." I breathe. Hitch runs into the room, followed by Finn. I'm of course, taking Hitch. Finn is staying with Joey to keep him company. I think he'll be a great companion since he's so energetic.

"Now, let's go to sleep so you can catch that flight!" He exclaims enthusiastically. I close up the luggage and put it near the door. Then we fall asleep, our bodies tightly pressed against each other.


Joey and I wake up the next day at the same time. At first, we just lay there, not doing anything, like we're savoring the moment. At least, that's what I was doing.

Then, I get up to change. Joey pulls himself up from his laying position and just sits on the bed, watching me quietly. He goes on his phone afterwards. I see him go on Twitter, probably replying to his fans or tweeting something.

"I'm gonna miss seeing that body of yours." Joey says suddenly.

"Take a picture." I suggest.

"It's not the same, dumbass." He jokes. "Plus, I mean't not seeing you in the morning."

"Oh." I say, because that's all I can basically think of.

I decide to just wear a white shirt, white jeans, and white sneakers. I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth.

Joey gets up from the bed as well. He goes to the bathroom and I leave the room. I'm quickly greeted by Finn. He jumps happily and I pet him. I look over at Hitch, who just lays on his pet bed that he shares with Finn. He eyes Finn and puts his head back on the bed. His eyes close and I think he must've fallen asleep already. Maybe Finn is a reckless sleeper and didn't let Hitch sleep.

I prepare some breakfast for myself. Finn follows me everywhere I go. I decide to fill his bowl with some dog food and he doesn't follow me anymore. Instead, he smashes his face into the bowl and eats quickly.

I eat my breakfast and Joey walks over to me. He smiles. He makes his own breakfast and eats it. He stares at me for a long time.

"What time do you have to catch the flight, again?"


"It's 10:45." Joey replies. "We should probably go." I nod. Joey tends to go to the airport early so he won't miss the flights. I don't judge, even though I usually sleep late and Joey wakes up early.

"Hitch!" I call out to him. He wakes up immediately and lifts his head up. He looks at me. Then looks at his blue cage. He trots over to his cage and goes in since it's already open. He sits in there. I get up and lock him inside, leaving some pet food and water in there. He lays his head down and once again falls asleep.

Finn looks into the cage and tries squeezing himself through the bars. His attempts fail and angrily, he barks at the cage. He then walks away.

I get my luggage from the room. I bring it to the living room. Joey looks at the luggage.

"Ready?" He askd quietly. I nod. He picks up Hitch's cage and shoves his keys and phone into his pocket. He waves at Finn and opens the front door. He allows me to pass through first and I do. I walk to the car and watch Joey as he closes the front door behind him. He opens the passenger door and places Hitch's cage in there. I put my luggage into the trunk.

We both get into the car and we finally drive to the airport.


We arrive at the airport in just 30 minutes. We board off the car and take the luggage and Hitch with us. I get my airline ticket. I put Hitch and the luggage onto the conveyer and Joey and I walk to the seats near the window. We stare out the window and to an airplane.

"Y'know, I think airplanes might become my worst nightmare." Joey says suddenly. I look at him and he continues to stare at the airplane. "Like, some pyscho could be driving the plane and could take you somewhere other where you want to go. Then, they'll rape the fuck out of you and kill you. For example, airplane Malaysia." I nod. He looks at me. "Just saying." He smiles.

"I think that's a correct theory for your opinion, Jo-Jo."

"Thank you, Soy-Sauce." He replies. "Do you think long distance will work, Sawyer?" He asks. I shrug.

"We can give it a try." I say. "We can go on break if it doesn't."

"Okay." He says. We become quiet, losing ourselves in our own thoughts.

"Flight 276 to New York ready for boarding." A voice in the speaker says. Joey looks from the floor to my face. Immediately, tears begin rolling down his cheeks and I'm suddenly filled with regret of leaving.

I get up and he does too. He hugs me quickly. He holds me in a tight embrace.

"I love you." He whispers. He stuffs his face into my chest. I hear sniffle and I hold him even tighter. "Please don't leave me. Four years without you is too much."

"I can't stay, baby." I whisper. I pick his head up from my chest and kiss him softly. He wraps his arms around my neck, pulling me even closer. My hands travel to his waist and as this moment goes on, I'm stuck in an endless void of unhappiness and sadness. I pull away from him and rest my forehead on his. "I love you too, okay?"

"Okay." He sighs. "I'll see you in person in four years. I'll call you." I nod.

"Bye, Joey Hartman." I say, walking away.

"Farewell, Sawyer Graceffa."

And then, with just a few steps, I am gone.

I am gone.

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