Chapter 55: Crave You

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[Tyler's POV]

I look over to the glass sliding doors. I see part of the circle and mostly Joey. Occasionally, he'd look over here.

I sigh. Joey's lucky and I shouldn't try and cause anything between them. Sawyer watches me look over there.

"I don't think it'd be an okay thing to kiss you." He says.

"Trust me, I know it isn't." I say. "It'd help if you'd kiss me, but whatever." He sighs.

"I'm scared that someone will see and they'll tell Joey." He says. "I don't want to see you upset..Especially because of me."

He cares. Inside, I start to feel warm. So, I couldn't stop myself.

It always happens and this is my fault.

I kiss him softly. I place my hand on his cheek. I could feel him getting tense and I close my eyes. I want to make this the perfect moment. Just for me.. I could also feel him resisting the urge to kiss back but he does anyway. I let go, satisfied.

"I think that helped." I say. Sawyer quickly searches the area.

"Just checking if anyone was near here."

"Oh." We stay quiet. It was kind of awkward. "We should go inside." I suggest.

"That's a good idea." Sawyer gets up and so do I. We walk back inside and to the circle. Sawyer sits down next to Joey, who quietly whispers into his ear. Sawyer blushes and whispers into his ear. Joey smiles and holds Sawyer's hand. I look down.

I wish that was Sawyer and I. I feel the need to drink but I don't stand up.

Hate and jealousy builds up inside of me.

"We'll be right back." I hear Joey say. I look at them. They are a cute couple, which seems to bother me.

But, wouldn't Sawyer and I be a better couple?

The circle nods and both Joey and Sawyer stand up. I watch as they make their way outside.

"Who votes that their going to have sex out there because Joey just drank?" Shane says. Everyone in the circle raises their hand except me. Slowly, I raise my hand too.

[Joey's POV]

I study his face in the moonlight. His face looks soft. His cheekbones kind of, shine..

Although I am partially intoxicated, I still remember what happened.

But, I'm unfortuneatly upset with him. He doesn't know that I saw what happened between him and Tyler. I don't like how they share kisses all the time. I don't want to sound greedy, but Sawyer's mine.

We sit down next to the sliding glass doors. This is so the circle wouldn't exactly see us.

Sawyer sits cross-legged while my head is sort of inside the space. Sawyer plays with my hair.

"So, what happened between you and Tyler?" I look at him and he has a face of concern.

"Well, he, um.." He sighs. "He can't stay away from me because he 'loves' me. He also, uh, kissed me." I nod, trying my best to stay calm.

"Okay, that's it?" He stays quiet.

"Yeah." He nods and smiles.

"I'm glad you're being honest." I say. I lift my head to face him. I push out the thought of being mad at Sawyer and Tyler out of my head. Sawyer gets up to get two bottles of tequilla and vodka. I find it weird to have it outside but, whatever. He hands me a small glass cup and pours in tequilla. He pours some vodka into his small shots cup.

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