Chapter 3

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Peyton's POV

It's Friday. The long awaited day of the tutor lesson with Liam. He needs help with trigonometry, and I need help controlling my ovaries around him. It's a working progress for the both of us.

I was waiting in the lobby for about five minutes, until he came down the hallway.

"Ready to go?" He asked wearing that million dollar smile.

"Of course," I replied.

We walked on out the parking lot to his car. He drove a beautiful, black, four door Jeep Ranger. He let me drive it once, then I almost hit a guardrail. I'm not aloud to drive it anymore.

We got into his car and buckled up. We listened to the radio at a low volume. That was until a major jam of mine came on.

You've got a hold of me
Don't even know your power

I started to sing while turning up the radio.

"Oh no. Please don't." He begged.

I didn't listen and began singing even louder to the chorus.

Please have mercy on me
Take it easy on my heart
Even though you don't mean to hurt me
You keep tearing me apart
Would please have
Mercy, Mercy
On my heart

"Oh my lord, Peyton. Please!" He laughed.

"Fine," I say as I turn down the radio. "Only because you asked sooo nicely."

"Thank you!" We both laughed.

We talked about random stuff until we pulled up to his house. We got out of the car and I followed him through the front door.

"How about we set up in my room?"
"Yea, sure" I smiled slightly. Maybe that was creepy but aye. I'm going to Liam Jones' room. I think I'm the winner here.

I walked up the stairs behind him and then to his room. His room looks just like every other teenage boy's room. Messy. There's clothes thrown everywhere and random food and drinks laying around.

"Sorry for the mess," he scratched the back of his neck nervously. "I'm not the most cleanest of a person."

"It's okay," I giggled. "It could be better, but I've also seen worse." I joked.

"There's worse than this?"

"No, I just wanted to make you feel better."

"Wow, thanks Peyton." I love it when he says my name. "You make me feel so good about myself." He says while holding his hand over his heart.

"You're welcome." I grinned cheekily. "Glad I could help."

I began to set up the stuff on the bed. It only consisted of papers, a textbook, and then pens/pencils.
We both sat down and I began tutoring. I don't think he actually needed it though. He was actually pretty good at it. Very fishy, Jones.

We finished after an hour and decided to put everything away and watch a movie. I laid back on his bed, resting my head on his arm while it went around me. He had his laptop on his lap and he found a movie to watch. Which surprise, surprise. It was scary. So cliche of him, but I don't mind. Scary movies don't bother me, so if he thinks I'll be throwing myself at him, he'll be right because I'll have an excuse.

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