Chapter 37

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Peyton's POV

I pulled into Mark's Market on 49th street, as I was told so. The worry settling in even more as I put my car in park and sat there. I know what I have to do. I'm just too scared to see what's on the other card. I wish I could've done this with Sawyer. He wouldn't made me feel so much safer. I've already experienced his Dad's games alone. I don't want to go through it again. But this isn't about what I want. This all about playing his games. The games that I don't even know the full entirety of the reasoning to.

Does all his desire of this run on the fuel of hate because his son has a good life? A girlfriend? A nice home? A nurturing guardian? How can anyone be so cruel? Why couldn't he just leave him alone? He was for two years straight until I came into his life.

I'm the reasoning...

I'm the reason why his father decided to ruin his life. I'm the reason why he's so stressed anymore. He's constantly worried about me and how it's going to work out. He's trying to hard to keep us together. Even when he's falling apart. He can't handle the weight of having a committed relationship and his biological family coming in to destroy all that is good.

Am I a part of that good?

Or am I just another problem? He needs his life to settle down before I come back in. I missed him so much that I was too selfish to realize that I was one of the reasons he was having so much despair. I hate knowing I'm hurting someone I love with all of me.

Should I stay to be emotional and mental support?

All I want to do is call him and tell him that I lied. That I didn't need milk and bread. That my mom wasn't making me go. I wanted to say his dad was. His dad is making me overthink and analyze everything. I need him here with me. But does he really need me? Maybe at this time I'm just a want. Maybe he needs to with only Anna during this. Maybe I should take my nose out of his business and let him take care of it in his own way. Now I just sound cruel... like I don't care. I probably care too much in some people's eyes. I can see people talking now...

Two high school seniors, trying to keep their love strong during a rough patch in life. How will they manage? Maybe they should just break up and deal with their own demons before they try to be adult and both deal with each other's. I mean they're just kids, right? They don't know love...

I wish I didn't.

I pull myself out of the car with every ounce of strength I had left in me after all the crying and emotional/mental exhaustion of it all. I bent down and felt around the underneath perimeter of my car. I stopped once I felt an object hit the tips of my fingers. I lift it up to discover it's a large yellow envelope. Confusion was engulfing my face. I slowly open the letter with intense hesitation of 'should I?'. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before I took it out.

If you followed the rules, congratulations. You're not going to be punished. At least for now.

Following the rules is the only thing that will insure you to be going back home. One rule broken, and you're over.

You will go back home with whatever groceries or objects you need to convince him that you had to get. Then, you proceed to not tell him about any of the messages/letters. You will act normal. If anything fishy happens, we will for sure know. You are being watched. These messages are a reminder that you're not superior to us. We are always one step ahead. If you try anything. There will be consequences.

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